The Double Blowjob (Harry-x-Reader-x-Alex) (AU)

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When you make one of your naughty dreams come to life and you and Harry give your husband Alex a blowjob together-

po·lyg·a·my : the practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same time.

AN: this is inspired by a porn video i saw. i can't seem to find the link of that video but i will link an inspiration gif . also this can be read as a stand alone so if you haven't read my series it's not a big deal. though i do recommend reading the series too.

(blowjobs (male/male & male/female), mild anal stimulation, ball fondling, pussy rubbing, hands free orgasm, threesome)

word count: 1,070


You're not sure how it happened so fast. One minute you were lying between you husbands after getting settled into bed for the night when you randomly thought of the explicit dream you'd had during your little nap from earlier. After sharing your naughty dream with Harry and Alex they both moaned and insisted you bring that dream to life. It's not that you were opposed to the idea because fuck was it hot but you knew they were both tired from work so you just didn't expect to do anything other then cuddle and sleep tonight.


Alex is sitting upright in the center of the bed with his legs spread, fully naked, and you and Harry are between his legs. In your dream, Harry and yourself was both giving Alex a blowjob at the same time. So that's what's happening now. Of course both of you have gave him oral sex before. Just not at the same time. You don't even know why you dreamt such things but the idea turned you and them on.

"Mhm fuck, babes." Alex moans with his head looking down, watching as you and Harry glide your tongues up and down his erect cock. You have the left side and Harry has the right side. But every few seconds your tongue will bump into Harry's and you'll hear him let out a moan. The moan in which sends vibrations through Alex's dick.

Instinctively because he knows he likes it done to him, Harry takes his left hand and brings it between Alex's spread legs. His fingers run over Alex's hole, causing him to jump at the touch. Harry decides not to push his fingers inside only because he doesn't want to stop and grab lube. But he does trace and circle around the tight hole while continuing his tongues assault on the right side of Alex's veiny shaft.

You decide to also do something with your unoccupied hands and take your right hand to cup and massage Alex's swollen balls. "Shit," Alex heaves, "what did I do to deserve all this." The sounds in the bedroom are wet and slobbery from your mouths sucking and licking Alex's cock. It has a puddle forming between your legs and Harry is sporting an erection in his boxers.

You and Harry bring your tongues up to the top of Alex's shaft and glancing into one another's eyes, you make the decision to both flick your tongues over his leaking slit. The eye contact stays steady and this is one of the most sensual and erotic things you've ever done before. Your faces are so close that your noses are bumping together and you can feel each others hot breath as you lick at the same time.

Alex was watching this occur until he physically couldn't anymore and had to tilt his head back towards the ceiling with his eyes screwing shut, hands fisting the sheets. "You're both gonna make me come. Fuck, about to come!" Alex lets out shakily and that's when you realize either you or Harry has to be the one to take in his cum in order to not get sprayed in the face.

Harry realizes this too and pops off his side of Alex's dick for a second and questions, "D'you want me or you to take it?"

After some very quick thinking, you decide to allow Harry to take this one. You're not really in the mood to swallow a bunch of cum tonight. Lifting your head as well, causing Alex to whine at the lack of mouth contact, you answer, "You can, H." You remove yourself from Alex's left side to give Harry the room to move more so he's directly kneeled between his husbands legs. You scoot up the bed to sit beside Alex and watch as Harry finishes off the job you started together.

Harry takes the hand he had between Alex's ass cheeks and wraps it around the base of Alex's long, thick cock. Then everything above the top of his fist, Harry sinks his mouth down onto it. His cheeks puff out as he creates a sucking motion. Alex loved what you were both doing before be he has to admit this feels even better because now his dick is nearly down one person's throat. Not just little kitty licks like minutes ago.

The sights of Harry giving your shared husband a blowjob is too arousing for you so you're left with no choice but to slip your dominant hand in the front of your panties and start to rub your clit. Neither one of your husbands even notice you pleasuring yourself. Alex takes one of his hands that was fisting the sheets and places it on the back of Harry's head, now grabbing at his brown curls.

Moan after moans comes from Alex's mouth and the way his stomach tenses and his meaty thighs start to shake, you know he's about to have an orgasm. This spurs your fingers to flick over your swollen clit faster, making you become on edge as well. "Harry babe," Alex grunts, "taking my cock so well. Gonna come down that throat of yours."

Just as Alex begins to let go, Harry glances up while still keeping his mouth sucking and his fist tugging to see Alex in a state of pure sexual bliss. Then he looks to the left and that's when he notices your hand in your panties, rubbing your clit. It's all too much for him and while swallowing every once of salty cum that's being spurted into his mouth, Harry accidently comes in his underwear.

Watching both of your sexy husbands come triggers yours and you suddenly come all over your fingers, convulsing and moaning in your spot beside Alex. When Harry can tell Alex has no more cum left in him, he pops his mouth off his dick so not to overstimulate him. Now all three of you are left panting and reeling what just happened.

"Fuck," Harry mutters, sitting straight up while still breathing heavy, "tasted s'good, love. And wow that was hot." His eyes are a bit watery and red from the one or two small gags he had during the blowjob and it makes him look even more sexy in your opinion. "Gonna have to dream about more naughty stuff tonight, y/n. Your ideas are so fuckin' great." And that you did.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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Harry-x-Reader-x-Alex (AU) // H.S. (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now