Part 1. Pleasurable Preparation

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Having a butt plug inserted into your ass, you sit on Harry's face and he eats your pussy, while Alex grinds his hard cock with his husbands and you all three end up coming-

AN: how do people write shorter fics??? this was going to be only like 500 words and it ends up being almost 3000. anyways, i could have made this really long and included the preparation, birthday sex, and after care in one piece but decided to divide them up so they aren't too much for me to handle. also, i'm not that educated on the use of butt plugs so excuse me if something isn't accurate. 


word count: 2956


You start to move in your sleep. Something is trying to wake you up, but you're unsure what. Maybe its the sun shinning through the huge bedroom window, or maybe its two pairs of mouths whispering in your ears. Oh wait, that's it. Whispers in your ears. You stir once more before your eyes shoot open and realize one of the assumptions as to why you were awaking is true. Your husbands are whispering the lyrics to Happy Birthday in each of your ears. 

You sit up slightly with a grin and stretch you limbs, letting out a deep groan. When they finish their rendition of the happy birthday song, you glance at both Harry and Alex and say, "Really?"

Harry pulls you back down on the mattress and forces you closer to his body. Then Alex scoots over and wraps his arms around you both. "Of course love. It's your special day, and we have a surprise for you. One we think you'll quite enjoy." Harry speaks in his raspy morning voice. 

"Yep, but it isn't anything money can buy." Alex adds with his face in your neck. 

"You guys know I hate surprises. Just tell me." you whine playfully. Usually on your birthdays, Alex and Harry just take you out to a lovely dinner and maybe take you walking on the beach shore and view the California sunset. That's all you want really. Just to spend time with your husbands, not a fancy present. But what you didn't know was their present wasn't your ordinary birthday present. It's something special that they have planned for a while now. Something that will take a little bit of preparation on your part first though.

"We'll give you a clue because we actually need you to do something in preparation for your surprise tonight." Harry speaks softly, rubbing his calloused fingers over your jawline. "Alex, do you want to go get it?!" Harry nods his head to the closet across the room and Alex knows exactly what he's referring to. They have planed this special surprise for weeks like mentioned earlier. Alex lets go from around your body and slips out the warm bed to pad over to the closet. 

This Is The Bed To Closet Distance In The Real House I Assigned This Series 

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This Is The Bed To Closet Distance In The Real House I Assigned This Series 

In the closet, Alex goes straight to the box that holds all of your sex toys. It has a variety of vibrators, dildos, cock rings, handcuffs that are never used unless for a joke because no one is that kinky in your relationship, and butt plugs. He rummages the box until he pulls out the medium black butt plug that is dedicated for you and you only. Butt plugs are one of those things that isn't hygienic to share, even when washed, so they make sure to never use yours. 

Harry-x-Reader-x-Alex (AU) // H.S. (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now