A 2:00 AM Fright

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When you have a nightmare and your husbands comfort you-

po·lyg·a·my : the practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same time.

AN: i'm really trying to write non smut more for this series, so here is my first purely fluff of this series.


Warning: mentions of gun violence and murder (in the dream)

Word Count: 1984

*This Is A Real Photo of What Their Bed/Bedroom Looks Like According To The House I Assigned For This Series* (just picture it in night time for the time this story took place)

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*This Is A Real Photo of What Their Bed/Bedroom Looks Like According To The House I Assigned For This Series* (just picture it in night time for the time this story took place)

It about 2:00 in the morning. The room is dark and the sound is quiet. You and your husbands Harry and Alex are sleeping in bed together. Now normally you sleep in the middle of your husbands. Just out of habit and what you're accustomed to. But for some reason last night, you ended up falling asleep on the right side of Harry, making Harry the middle bed buddy. It's not like you being in the middle is a must, but you do find comfort knowing each of your husbands are on both sides of you. They make you feel safe. They make you feel comfort. They make you feel loved. 

Unfortunately for you, tonight you're having a nightmare. You hardly ever have nightmares and when you do, they aren't that bad. Just the ones that have your heart racing for a few minutes and you go right back to sleep. But the nightmare you're having tonight is so much worse for what ever reason. Your heart starts pounding and your breathing picks up. What are you dreaming you might ask? Well, you're dreaming that someone broke into your house and killed your husbands. The worst possible dream to have in your opinion. 

Alex, Harry, and yourself were on the couch and someone breaks down the front door. Then they barge in with a gun in their hands and march over to the couch where you all were cuddling. Next thing you know, they shoot Harry in the chest and Alex in the head. For what ever reason, they didn't try to shoot you. Almost as if your punishment was to witness your husbands dyeing in front of you and there was nothing you could do about it. When you look over and see their lifeless bodies, you scream. Scream for the killer to come back and just shoot you so you didn't have to live anymore without them. Scream in down right fright. 

That's when you end up screaming in real life and not just in your dream. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh." you scream, making Alex and Harry both shoot up from their peaceful state of sleep in a frantic manner. 

"Y/n," Harry speaks, "y/n, wake up!" Harry grabs your swinging arms by the wrist and shakes you slightly to have you wake up. His touch and his presence somehow wakes you up from the nightmare and your eyes shot open. Alex gets out of bed and turns on the bedside lamp so they can view you better. Your breathing is erratic and there are tears running down your cheeks. 

When you get more conscious and alert that you were just dreaming, you start bawling your eyes out. Sobbing at the relief you feel to see your husbands alive and not dead. Nervously, Harry questions you, "Love, what happened? Are you alright." Both your husbands are shaking themselves. They have never been woken up to you screaming like someone was killing you. It sounded straight out of a horror movie.   

Harry-x-Reader-x-Alex (AU) // H.S. (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now