Hostile | severus snape

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>> gif credit to @/gameraboy1 on tumblr <<

fandom | Harry Potter

character | (16) Severus Snape

requested | Anonymous​, @/wolfhard-tozier on tumblr, @/wukindly on tumblr, @/beepbeeprichtozier on tumblr

warnings | Very mild swearing

word count | 553

keys | (Y/n) = Your name

summary | Hello there! Could you write a fluff imagine during the Mauraders Era, where platonic reader is helping Severus Snape became less hostile towards the Mauraders? Thank you so much for considering!

editor | @/feliscatus-exe on Tumblr


You sighed as you walked down the stairs. You wanted to spend your weekend studying for an upcoming quiz in Potions, but your best friend had sent for you. He was by the lake and used an owl to bring a letter up to your window. His writing was messy, obvious that it was written in a hurry. So, being the friend that you were, you put your academics on hold and went to find him.

It wasn't difficult, he was pacing the edge of the lake, just like he always did when he was mad. His fists were clenched and his face was drawn in a sneer. You sighed and walked closer, crossing your arms, waiting for him to notice you. After he turned, he saw you and his fists slightly unclenched.

"Oh (Y/n), thank Merlin you're here. I cannot fathom being decent to those... those... Argh!" He shouted, grabbing at his hair. You raised your eyebrows.

"The Marauders?" You asked. He paused and stared at you.

"Yes, of course, the Marauders! Who else in the world could cause me this much annoyance? Look at this! My hair's falling out because of them! In fistfuls!" He shouted, showing you that he was, in fact, losing hair. Yet you doubted it was just because of the Marauders. His life wasn't exactly stress-free.

"Sevi. Calm down. What did we talk about?" You replied. He closed his eyes.

"Pause the body, pause the mind." He replied. He stopped pacing and exhaled, dropping his hands at his sides lightly.

"Good. Now, what happened? And remember to speak without a tone of malice." You said. He nodded.

"I was on my way to the Grand Hall for a quick breakfast when I ran into Potter. He was tailing Lily, which didn't surprise me in the slightest. I made a comment and then he made a comment and it escalated into a quarrel and-"

"Severus." You interrupted. He looked at you.

"You know that you're in the wrong here, right?" You asked. His face scrunched, showing he was angry, but then quickly released its tension. He dropped his face in his hands, shaking his head.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. He just... He makes me so furious sometimes!" He shouted. You placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"I understand but you can't expect everything to get better if you're not trying." You said. He hung his head in disappointment.

"I'm trying. I really am, I swear, it's just so much more difficult than I could have anticipated." He said, You nodded and gave him a soft and friendly hug.

"You can do this Sevi, I believe in you." You said. He sighed, his shoulders releasing their tension as he returned the hug.

"Thank you, (Y/n). You really are such a tremendous help." He replied. You laughed quietly and pulled away.

"You and your big words. Come on, let's get away from the lake. I never did like the mermaids much anyways. Always making you feel like you're being watched." You said. He gave a small smile and shook his head.

"You and your irrational fears." He said. You playfully shoved him.

"It's not irrational. I have every right to hate them. Just.... Look at the damn things." You replied.

"Whatever you say (Y/n)."

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