Sticks and Stones | jason dean

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>> gif credit to @/anguishmacgyver on tumblr <<

fandom | Heathers

character | Jason Dean

requested | Anonymous

warnings | slight angst, homophobic slurs, bullying, physical assault (specifically kicking)

word count | 1,130

keys | (Y/n) = Your name

summary | Hi can I request a image for Jd from heathers the musical x male reader where the reader is getting bullyed and won't tell Jd but Jd froces to the reader to tell him about the bully's, and the fic ends in the reader sitting on Jds lap. Thankd6

editor | @/feliscatus on tumblr


You looked over your shoulder as you began to input the four-digit code to your locker. God knows what would happen if somebody got a hold of it. Once you heard the familiar click of the padlock, you pulled the lever and began to place your chemistry books inside, swapping them for your math notebook and grabbing your bag of writing utensils.

As you clutched your school supplies and attempted to shut your locker, you were shoved, so hard in fact that your forehead hit the cool metal. You yelped in pain, looking over your shoulder to see the group of boys who constantly harassed you. They were much more intimidating than you and always found it easy to fuck with you.

"What are you doing you faggot?" One of them asked, shoving you again. You grimaced, not from just the pain but from the use of that word. Most of the school knew that you were dating another guy, and these cliche high school bullies never let you forget it.

"I-I'm just trying to get to class." You muttered, attempting to walk away, but they quickly closed ranks, circling you and leaving no way out. You swallowed in fear.

"Please." You whispered, your voice barely coming out of your throat.

"What was that? Speak up! Are you a fucking girl or something? Talk like a man!"

"Please! P-Please... just let me go to class." You replied, raising your voice a little too much. The biggest one gave a hearty laugh and shoved you to the floor, delivering a painful kick to your abdomen. You groaned in agony as the others laughed and drove occasional blows as well. You closed your eyes, accepting the pain along with the fact that none of the teachers gave enough of a shit to stop what was happening. You were convinced the faculty rejoiced when these high school cronies kicked out your lights. After all, you were just the school faggot.

"Look at him, crying like a little bitch." One of them said with a laugh and a final blow to your ribs. You prayed he didn't break anything. The rest of them snickered as he backed off. It seemed he'd had his fun for the day as he and his friends walked off. You laid on the floor for a minute, watching as everyone else simply walked over your limp body. You took a shaky breath and slowly started lifting yourself from the floor. And just like every other day this occurred, you stood and clutched your sides, continuing as if nothing had happened.


The final bell of the day rang through your ears and you couldn't help but sigh with relief. Having to navigate the better half of your day with bruised sides was more than you could handle this early in the week. You gently ran your arm through the backpack strap as to not hurt your fragile frame and began to walk to the front of the school. The distance was relatively short, and you were glad that your boyfriend was already there to greet you.

"Hey there doll, hop in and we'll head to yours." He said as he unlocked the doors. You gave a meek smile as you slid into the passenger seat, trying to sink down so no one would see you. Normally, you wouldn't care, but today was particularly rough and you just wanted it to end. JD was quick to notice your off behavior and the way you were holding your sides but didn't say anything as he drove off, hoping you'd tell him yourself.


You'd arrived at your house with JD and for the past hour had simply been lounging in your room. He asked about your day, hoping you'd tell him what happened, but you didn't budge, reassuring him everything was fine. He knew better.

He watched you now as you stood up from the bed, grimacing as you put pressure on your side. That was his last straw. Something happened to you at school today and he wasn't going to just let you suffer in silence. He stood next to you and quickly lifted your shirt, enough to see your bruised side. You gasped and pushed his hand away, but he'd seen enough.

"What is that?" He asked. You frowned and crossed your arms.

"Nothing." You replied nonchalantly.

"Nothing? Really? Why didn't you tell me?" His temper was rising and you could hear it in his voice.

"Cause I knew this is how you'd react."

"What is that supposed to mean? React how?"

"Like this Jason. Upset and wanting to know who did it. This shit just happens okay. There's no reason to get all crazy about it and I knew you would so I just didn't say anything. Leave it alone." You argued back. He frowned, but let his anger calm down before speaking again.

"(Y/n). I know you don't want me to overreact but you have to understand, you're my boyfriend. I need to know when you're getting hurt." He replied, grabbing your hands and forcing you to look at him. You averted eye contact.

"I just... I didn't want you to worry." You mumbled.

"Of course, I'm going to worry. You mean everything to me. I can't just not worry when you come home from school with an entirely bruised side. I mean seriously, did you think you'd just be able to hide this thing from me? It's covering an entire half of your body." He replied, causing you to chuckle slightly.

"Yeah, it's a lot bigger than I thought." You said, now smiling. He pulled you to the edge of the bed, sitting down and urging you to sit on his lap. You rolled your eyes and did so, relaxing once he wrapped his arms around you. You sighed and did the same, snuggling into his warm, comforting body.

"You know I love you, right?" He asked.

"Of course I do. I love you too." You replied. He smiled and kissed the top of your head.

"Don't worry. You won't have to deal with them anymore." He said. You sighed and held him a little tighter.

"I know they'll stop eventually. It just sucks to have to wait for it." You said, tracing circles into his back. He gave a quiet chuckle, knowing you didn't understand what he meant by that. You didn't know he'd be the one to take care of the situation. That he'd be the one to take care of them.

"Maybe it'll be a lot sooner than you think dear."

"Maybe... I'm just glad I have you." You said, lifting your head and giving him a gentle kiss. He smiled and returned it, pressing his forehead against yours and simply enjoying your presence.

Multi Fandom X Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now