Cliche Kisses in the Rain | richie tozier

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>> gif credit to @/sensualkisses on tumblr <<

fandom | It: Chapter One

character | (16) Richie Tozier

requested | Anonymous

warnings | Swearing, angst

world count | 537

keys | (Y/n) = Your name

>> prompts <<

36 | "I'm so in love with you."

54 | "I can't stand the thought of losing you."

summary | Prompts 36 & 54! Super cliche but argument with Richie (maybe 15-16 years old) where the reader goes to his house to tell him how he feels(since they are best friends but he loves him) and when he leaves because Richie says nothing, he chases him on the street and kisses the reader!!


Richie watched as the rain came down on the living room window. The droplets ran into each other, rushing to the bottom of the frame. The cold water fogged up the glass. He dragged his finger across, drawing a dick. He smiled at his childishness. Sure he was 16, but Richie would always be Richie.

There was a loud knock at his door that made him look away from his fading drawing. He raised his eyebrows and stood. His parents told him that they wouldn't be home until tomorrow night. He unlocked the door and opened it, surprised to see you standing there.

You were soaked from the rain and your eyes looked red. Like you had been crying. There was water on your cheeks, but if that was from your eyes or the skies, he couldn't tell. He went to ask you why the hell you were at his house in the middle of a rainstorm at practically two in the morning but you held up your hand.

"Honestly Richie, I don't know why the fuck I'm here right now. I've been thinking way too much tonight and I can't stand going one more day with this stupid fucking secret weighing on my shoulders. I know you're my best friend and have been since forever but I need to say this. I know I should keep my mouth shut because having you in my life as my best friend is better than telling you how I feel and not having you in my life at all, but I can't. I'm so in love with you, and it fucking sucks. And even though I can't stand the thought of losing you, I needed to tell you." You said.

Richie's mouth hung open and his eyes widened as he listened to your confession. His heart began to speed up. You couldn't be serious, right? He opened his mouth to say something but in fear that it would be the wrong thing, he closed it.

You watched him with scared eyes. You knew this was going to happen. You knew that he wouldn't return your feelings and the friendship you had built up for 11 years would come crumbling down in seconds. You were so mad at yourself. Life wasn't a fairy tale where you end up with the one you love. This was the real world, and you had just been rejected.

"I get it. It was stupid to come here. Goodbye Richie." You whispered and wiped your eyes. You walked away from his door and as soon as your feet hit the wet concrete, you began to run. The loud splashing sound met your ears and you wanted nothing more than to just go home and eat as much food as you could.

Something tugged at your sleeve, making you turn around. Your eyes widened as you saw Richie. Nothing was said as he grabbed your cheeks and pulled you in. His lips were soft and wet, due to the rain. You didn't spare a second to close your eyes and kiss back. He dropped his hands and wrapped his arms around you. One thought crossed your mind as he kissed you.

Life wasn't a fairy tale but it sure as hell was a cliché.

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