Stares | richie tozier

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>> gif credit to @/edsgazebos on tumblr <<

fandom | It: Chapter One

character | Richie Tozier

requested | @/sweet-sweet-squad on tumblr

warnings | Swearing

word count | 1,062

keys | (Y/n) = Your name, (f/80's/b) = favorite 80's band

>> prompts <<

"Did you sell your soul to date him?"

summary | Can you do a Richie x reader where no one knows they're dating and Reader is a super sweet, soft spoken person that he'd be the last person expected to date trash-mouth Richie since their personalities are the exact oppisite.Then, someone(maybe a Loser)starts to flirt with him and Richie is like 'fuck this', goes up to them and kisses him to reveal their relationship. He introduces him to the losers, who are dumbfounded. Eddie says something like "Did you sell your soul to date him, Richie?"


You tossed the damp paper towel in the trash can and walked out of the restroom. As you were about to lean down to get some water, you heard a whistle.

"Now what lucky guy gets to call that fine ass his?" A familiar voice said. You gave a quiet laugh and turned around. You were greeted with the cheesy smile you had grown so fond of. You went to press your lips to his cheek but he held a hand up.

"We're at school babe." He whispered. You sighed.

"I know. No ones around, though." You suggested.

"Yeah but... There could be someone in the bathroom." He replied. You looked down sadly. Richie and you had been dating for about six months now but decided to keep the relationship a secret. You were a very sweet, quiet, and soft-spoken guy while Richie was... Well, Richie was Richie. If anyone knew, they'd laugh in both of your faces, which is why you both agreed on not telling anyone, including the losers. Well, it was mostly Richie's idea to not tell anyone, you could care less if people knew. The sad part about it was that you couldn't show any affection in public. No hugs. No kisses. No sweet compliments. Nothing. That was the worst.

"I'm sorry. Why don't we hang out at your place after school today? Then you can kiss me all you want, okay?" He asked. You smiled.

"Yeah. That sounds great." You replied. You wanted so badly to go and kiss him but you refrained.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you, too."

>> timeskip <<

You leant your head on Richie's shoulder as the melody of (f/80's/b) played in the background. He had his arm wrapped around you as you both sat on your bed, the blanket draped over your shoulders. The warmth of the blanket and his body was enough to make you fall asleep. You didn't have to say anything with Richie. It was perfect to just be in each other's presence. It was peaceful and that was amazing. At least it was until there was a loud knock at the door. You groaned loudly, before standing up. You slowly walked to the door and opened it, ready to yell at whoever ruined your wonderful moment.

"H-Hey (Y/n)," Bill said. You raised your eyebrows.

"Bill? What are you doing here?" You asked.

"Oh, well t-the other losers and I were thinking of going to the q-q-q-quarry and we were wondering if you wanted t-to join." He asked.

"Uh... Yeah. Sure. Is everyone going to be there?" You asked, knowing full well that they couldn't ask Richie, seeing as he was sitting in your room.

"Yeah, m-mostly. We just have to ask Richie now. Eddie went to check the a-ar-arcade." He replied. You gave a small smile.

"Oh well, he won't be there. He called me a few minutes ago and asked if I had any quarters cause he ran out. He's on his way right now so I'll just tell him when he gets here." You said, coming up with an excuse in a surprisingly short amount of time.

"Oh, alright. W-Well, see you there." He replied and walked to his bike. You closed the door and began to walk to your room. Richie still sat on your bed, in the same spot you left him in. As he saw you walk in, he smiled.

"Who was it?" He asked. You began to open your drawer, searching for a pair of socks.

"Bill. We're going to the quarry." You replied. A look of horror suddenly crossed Richie's face.

"Did you tell him I was here?" He asked. You frowned.

"Of course not, Rich. I know better than that." You said. He sighed in relief. Despite wanting to tell him how you didn't really like this, you kept your mouth shut, searching for your shoes.

>> timeskip <<

Richie smiled as he watched you laugh. You sat with nothing but your undergarments on and a towel underneath you. The water disintegrated from your body as you pointed out the weird shapes of the clouds with Beverly. Richie wanted so badly to sit you on his lap and lean his chin on your head. Richie glanced at everyone else to see them going about their own business. Bill and Ben were both staring at Bev, Mike and Eddie were thumb wrestling and Stan... Stan was staring at you. Richie stared at Stan, hoping that he just caught him in the wrong moment, but his gaze never let up.

"Hey (Y/n)," Stan called. You looked at him.

"What's up?" You asked.

"The sun makes your eyes look really pretty." He replied. You smiled. Richie felt his face grow hot. Yeah, it was just a smile and you smiled at everyone, but that was Richie's smile. Richie was the only one who was supposed to make you smile.

"Thanks, Stan." You said and went back to your previous conversation. Richie glared at Stan but he didn't notice, simply because he wouldn't stop staring at you. Richie was growing irritated and was doing anything he could do to distract himself. First, it was tapping his foot, then it was twiddling his thumbs, and he even tried reciting his times' tables. Yet, it seemed no matter what he did, he couldn't keep his anger contained. You stood up and wrapped your towel around you. Richie glanced at Stan and saw him lick his lips. This was the last straw. Richie's anger finally burst and he stood abruptly.

"Fuck this!" He shouted and walked towards you. He grabbed your face and brought your lips together. You and Richie had kissed before but this one was filled with anger and passion. You didn't have enough time to react because he pulled away too quickly. Everyone stared with awestruck faces.

"Yeah, that's right! (Y/n)'s my fucking boyfriend and if I catch you staring at him like that again Stanley, I'm going to do a lot worse than just yell at you!" He shouted. Your eyes widened as you heard Richie. Never would you have thought that jealousy would bring Richie to admit your relationship.

"Seriously? You're actually dating him (Y/n)?" Beverly asked. You blushed and nodded.

"Jeez Richie, did you sell your soul to date him or something?" Eddie asked with raised his eyebrows. Richie flipped him off before wrapping his arms around you. Yeah, people were gonna laugh and be surprised, but that sure was a hell of a lot better than the stares.

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