Chapter 2

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Warning this story contains mature themes + rape + sexual assault + sex trafficking + sexual actions, murder, blood, abuse. If it's too much for you please do not read this story!



I wake up to my alarm hitting 7 am. I'm so excited for today . Today is my two year anniversary with Brittany Michaelson. She's my whole world and I love her so much.

She took my heart away and made my world light up. I have a whole thing planned out for us today and I hope she really likes it. It really took me some time to get everything perfect. But the things a man has to do for their lady right?

I put on some clothes and brush my teeth to start the day. I go down stairs to check up on the men. I spot one of my men and head towards him.

" Hey Max is everything good with the shipments?", I ask. " Yeah boss everything is in order. Listen I have heard rumors about De Santos men attacking a big leader. We need to be alarmed and prepared in case of an attack.", he says concerned.

" That fucker." Alright make sure the men are on high alert and keep track of the shipment. I want NO mistakes okay?" I furrowed my brows.

" Yes boss, I'm on it."

My father is actually their boss but since I'm the heir I'm soon to be their leader. Once I turn 21 my father will step down from being the Italian mafias leader. They treat me as their boss and I give them respect as long as they give me respect.

I don't believe in that whole respect whoever is in charge or elders shit. Respect is earned and it's that simple.

Im a perfectionist and I want no mistakes in my work. One little mistake can set you really behind. I know people think we are some monsters that give no mercy but we never hurt the innocent. Our goal is to protect not hurt .

There's very sick people in this world who need to be stopped. My father, who goes by Ronaldo Castillo built his empire by trying to stop sex trafficking, drug smuggling, and other very brutal crimes against innocent people.

We kill yes. But only those who deserve it. No one stands in our way, and we get whatever we want one way or another.

My mother was a victim of sex trafficking and rape . When my father found out he vowed to do something to stop more innocent women, children and men from being dragged into that mess.

He saved her and I aspire to save other people.

After a few hours I get ready and put on a clean , slick back ; black long sleeve dress shirt and some black pants. I put on one of my favorite watches and fix my hair. I pick up the roses I bought for Brittany. She likes white roses.

I smiled while getting the small velvet box and put it in my pocket. I breathe in and out . Gosh I'm so nervous. I never imagined myself in this position. Ever.

I head out on my car to pick her up from her house that I bought for her.She stands outside with a tight satin red dress. Her long golden legs are showing and her defined collar bones are screaming at me.

I meet her face and she looks so beautiful. Her plump red lips are begging me to kiss them. I get out the car and open the door for her . She gets in and I peck her on the lips before closing the door and heading back in.

" Hey baby I missed you", I said smiling.
" Hey babe , I missed you too. I hate to ask .. what's the occasion?" she says with a confused look on her face .

I'm stunned. It can't be possible she forgot our two year anniversary... right? I try not to think about it so much so I told her it was just a surprise . Of course she loves surprises so it's less suspicious.

I take her to a fancy restaurant and we talk the whole time . Laughing and chatting. Although she always talks about herself and her modeling .

Don't get me wrong I'm proud of her and who she is.. but I sometimes wish our conversations were meaningful and something else other than materialistic things or money.

Either way I love to see that smile on her Face. It's all I really need in my life. Suddenly her phone starts ringing and she gives me a look. " Babe hold on I have to take this, it's from the agency I'll be right back." she says storming off.

That's weird. Why would she take a call away from me if it's from the agency?

I wait two minutes before I feel anxious of her not coming back. I was waiting for her so I could leave and take her to the spot where I propose . Yes . Propose. I'm going to propose to the love of my life.

She comes back and I ask her if everything is alright . " Hey baby, what took you so long? Is everything okay?" I frowned. " Yeah no big deal everything is okay. It was just a call informing for the next shoot and the plans . That's all!", she smiled

I pay the dinner and we left . I drove to the spot. We got out and I showed her to the table under the gazebo with lights. " wow... this is incredible Ash..", she says gazing at the lights. We sit down and I tell her I have a gift for her.

She immediately squeals and she tells me what it is. I try to tease her for a bit so I grab the fake box and toss it next to the water. She immediately gets up and runs to it laughing. She's on the sand trying to find it when I hear her phone vibrate. I take a peek and it's an unknown name. River. I frown and look at the message.

~~~Hey baby I can't wait for you to come over again ;) . I can't wait to slip my cock into you. Let me know when you are done with that date. I hope it's not too boring as you said 😂.

My heart instantly drops. I can't believe what I just saw. My heart was shattered. I feel like my world is crumbling apart. It suddenly gets harder to breathe.

I'm getting cheated on. After everything I did for her. After I was about to propose to her?!!!
I clench my fists. Trying to control my anger and my sadness. I turn to look at her and she found the box . Her face falls when she sees it's empty. " Hey babe there's nothing here!", she whines .
" babe?"
I look at her dead in the eye. " baby.. I've been thinking for a while. I love you so much. I'm going to give half of my share to you. Which is roughly... about 15 billion dollars and I can't imagine my life without you."

I take out the box and flash the ring. Her eyes widen. And she squeals. I shut the box closed and threw it at the water. She screams. " WHAT THE FUCK ASHER?!!!". " Yeah well I was but I hope that other guy.. what's his name? Oh yeah . River. I hope he makes you happy. You cheating gold digging bitch" She looks shocked.

She tries saying something but she just smirks. " Yeah well he does give me way more than what you give me. Oh and I basically have been fucking him for a whole year .", she laughs.

I clench my jaw and all the love I have for her vanished in a second. I can't believe I didn't see it sooner . The gifts. EXPENSIVE ass gifts actually.

The buying her a house . She didn't care about me when I was down or stressed. She didn't take care of me at all. I saw the red flags but I ignored it like the idiot I am.

All she cared about was herself. She cared about the houses or the clubs or the fame.
she never cared about me. She never cared about our future. Our love.

Was I just not good enough for her? Did I not do enough..

I left her there and got in my car.
I will never fall in love again... and that's a promise.

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