Chapter 4

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As the afternoon fell it was time to get ready for the charity ball.

I take a shower and blow dry my hair. I curl it letting falling down my shoulders. I apply some highlighter , bronzer and blush to enhance my cheekbone and my nose.

I apply a matte Rose color lip stick and some mascara . I fix my eyebrows a little bit and I apply perfume.

I slip in to my black dress and it perfectly hugs my curves. I look in the mirror and I see how it hugs my boobs so perfectly and they pop up showing their curve.

I see the way it snatches my waist and hugs my hips and down to the slit revealing my long toned legs. I apply some black high heels to match and a diamond necklace that falls in between the line between my breasts.

I head down with my father and we  get inside the limo . We arrive to the place and it's so beautiful. The crystal chandeliers and the water fountains outside. The high ceilings and the long stair cases.

We greet people and as I stay by my dads side I get odd looks. I know it's because they don't know who I am. I'm sure they think I'm his play thing for right now. The thought of that makes me want to throw up.

The mafia men have that type of reputation.
" Honey follow me, remember Ronaldo? He's the only one who knows about you because he is my most trusted friend." " Yeah dad I remember him."  " Well he's here . Come here let's go find them."

I follow him down the crowd and We start heading towards two men dressed in black. Damn. I can tell the one on the left is much older than the one on the right so I instantly recognize him as Ronaldo . I used to call him my uncle when I was younger .

They are both handsome but the one on the right looks more my age. He's tall. Very tall. And I can see his muscular build with his slick back shirt. He had deep brown eyes and a scar on his eyebrow. When I see him smile at my dad I see a dimple across his left cheek.

God help me now. He's so hot. He meets my eyes and he quickly glances away. " Ronaldo my man!", my dad exclaims and hugs him . " Roman nice to see you again. It's a very nice event. Thank you for having us." He hugs back.

" Ah little old Asher ! I haven't seen you since you were ten !", my dad exclaims and hugs the younger guy. The guy greets him back with a hug. I didn't know they knew each other. Oh shit.

Wait. That's his son. I forgot he had a son. I only saw him once when I was 8 but he never saw me. Well lord have mercy he's a snack.

" Ronaldo you remember Rose" , my dad puts his arm around my shoulder. " Ah yes Rose it's been a while ." He chuckles and gives me a bear hug. I hug him back but I see from the corner of my eye the guy. Scratch that. Asher clench his jaw.

" Meet my son Asher ". I look over at him and meet his dark eyes. "Hi.", I breathe out. " hey" He says flatly.

I reach out my hand to shake his and he shook my hand. He held it for a while before letting go and I felt tingles in my body.

I turn away from them and I let my dad know I'm heading to the bathroom.

When I come back I can see they are in a heavy conversation. " Yeah I was planning on her staying with you guys for a while when I'm gone to take care of a few things". I quickly make my presence known.

My dad clears his throat and turns to me. " listen honey.. I have to leave for a few months to take care of some things. I need you here In case of anything . You'll be staying with Ronaldo and his son at his place for extra protection .The men at our house are securing it and shutting it down for the few months I'm gone."

I'm stunned. Months with this super hot guy is interesting. " Oh. Do you really have to go?" , I pout . " yes sweetheart I have to go. You'll be fine at his place alright ?" " you know who to contact when you need something and also Axel will be staying with you as well to keep you company."

I smile knowing Axel will be there with me. I hear Asher scoff and I send him a dirty look. He stares back.

The rest of the night goes on and it was good for the most part. My dad told me our maids helped pack my suitcases even though I told him I could do it myself but he insisted. Turns out I'm heading towards their house tomorrow. This should be interesting.

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