Chapter 31

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I see her sitting down outside on the balcony watching the sun set.

The wind was blowing through her face and you could see her perfect lips, her perfect cheek bones, her perfect eyes..


I sit down next to her and I just watch her for a bit. The way the last bit of the sun is reflecting off her green eyes. The way the golden rays illuminate her perfect face.

When she tells me about what her mother told her, it really got me thinking.

This girl had only received pure love from her parents.

That's all she ever had. This beautiful woman in front of me was insecure about her looks.

She doesn't even realize how gorgeous she is. She doesn't realize how amazing she is. The way her eyes light up when she's happy. The way when she smiles big her dimples show.

She doesn't realize that everywhere she goes I want to kill someone because all the men are looking at her like they want a piece of her.

I want to be the one to show her that somebody other than her parents thinks she's amazing. That somebody loves her for who she is. Someone who will show her that she's so strong and caring.

I want to be that person.
It's now or never

" You're beautiful", I whisper to her.
She turns her head towards mine and I look at her cherry red lips before leaning in.

This time it was a slow kiss. It was gentle and pure.
The kind of kiss that makes you feel satisfied and calm.

Now or never Asher.

" Rose, can I ask you something?"



" I know this is sudden and all, but I really really have enjoyed the past months with you. I go crazy around you, I just I feel a need to be with you. Would you maybe want to be my girlfriend? I know it's not the ideal way to ask but.." he rambles on.

" yes" I say.

" wait really?" He smiles.

" Yes Asher, I'll be your girlfriend. I'm honestly glad you asked because I felt the same way.. I just didn't want to ruin what we already had" I smile.

He smiles so hard that it makes me smile too.
I'm finally his. And he's finally mine.

We are in silence and I could feel the tension grow.


Our lips smash together with both of us filled with passion and lust.
The world went away and it was just me and him.

" I told you I'll get you back baby...come on" he says in between the kiss.

Oh god.

He picks me up in one motion without breaking the kiss.

He throws me on to the bed and starts kissing me down my neck.

" fuck.." I moan.

" shhh baby those for later" he smirks.
He starts trailing kisses up my neck , to my ear and back to my lips.

He peels off my shirt and takes off my shorts.
" You're beautiful as always love" he whispers in my ear.

He kisses down my breasts towards my stomach and stops at the top of my thong.

" hmm.." he says, while playing with the rim of the underwear.

This is driving me insane.

" please..." I breathe out.

" beg for me princess" he says smirking while his lips lay on my stomach.
" beg" kiss. "for.." kiss. "Me.." kiss.

He gets up and I frown.
He walks towards the closet and pulls out a tie.


He grins while twirling the tie around in the air.
" Hands up baby" he says while holding the tie up.

I put my hands up above my head and he ties it around the bed frame.

Now I can't break free.

He gets back on top of me and he unclips my bra.
With one hand on my boob, he puts his mouth on my nipples and gently sucks, while massaging my other one.

Fucking hell.
I suddenly want more and my body fills up with heat.

He kisses down my stomach and stops at the rim. He smiles and he pulls my underwear down.

I feel him kiss down my thighs first and it's making me go crazy.
" please Ash" I breathe out.
" please.."

I finally feel his mouth on my core. He pulls back and spits on it to make it easier.

He slides a finger in and stars licking and sucking my clit.

" oh fuck..." I moan out.

" cum for me baby.." he groaned

" fuck.. Asher.." I say.

" say my name love.. say my name.." he says while kissing my throbbing core.

I feel like I'm finally going to cum and I start clenching. I think he feels it too because he stops.

" You're still on it right?" He says.
" yes" I nod.

He towers over me but then I get to my senses.
No mister.. my turn.

" baby.. can you untie me my wrist really hurt.." I frown.

His face softens and he nods.
" I'm sorry love" he says while taking off the tie.

I grab his shoulders and turn him around to where I'm on top and he's on the bottom.

" it's still your birthday... it's my turn babe" I smirk.

" you little.." he smirks.

I position myself comfortably and insert his dick inside of me.

I slowly went up and down, moving my hips in a rhythm .

I start picking up the pace and I hear him moaning.

" fuck.." he lets out.

I go even faster and in a better Rhythm that hits me too.

" fuck.." I moan out.
I hear his breathing get harder and does mine.

We both moan and cum at the same time.

My limp body falls on top of his and we stay laying down like that.

I start to draw circles on his chest until we both fell asleep.

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