Chapter 14

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After my incident with Evan things went more calmly the past next days. My father was going to arrive today at 5 pm. We were all going out to eat a fancy dinner so we could get to know each other . Honestly I was nervous. This was the first time me and Asher would have a " normal" encounter. Or even a conversation. I've been in their house for maybe 2 months.

I saw the time was 4 pm already so I decided to get in the shower. I used my favorite rose and vanilla scented shampoo and my favorite body scrub. I shaved my legs and applied moisturizer.
When I got out I quickly dried off and decided to put on just Concealer, mascara , lip gloss and blush . I blow dried my hair and straightened it .

After I got ready, I put on a tight little body con emerald green dress. It hugged my body so perfectly. I was obsessed. For years I was insecure about my looks because of Evan . But after he was gone I loved myself . Insecurity is still there yeah, but I always brush them off with positive things.

Before leaving downstairs I put on my vanilla perfume and get my phone. I don't usually wear purses. It's not really my thing so I just carry my phone in my bra or in my hand along with my money or card.

I head down stairs and I hear chatting . I instantly recognize the voice . I run to my dad as soon as I see him. " Papa!! I missed you." I said while hugging him.
" my Rosita I missed you too" he chuckles .

I say hi to Ronaldo and wait for Asher to head down.
When he heads down he's wearing a classic dress shirt and dress pants . God he looks gorgeous.
We make eye contact when he's heading down the stares and he trails his eyes down my body. I see them filled with lust and hunger. It sends shivers down my spine. God what is he doing to me.

I quickly get out my thoughts and we head into the car. My dad and Ronaldo get in the front while me and Asher get in the back. Unfortunately the back has a cover so we are just sitting here in private. I look out the window to try to distract myself when I feel a hand on my knee. My breathing stops. I swallow . I try to keep my calm but he travels his hand higher up my thigh. God kill me now.

His hand is now in my inner thigh. I don't know why I still let him. Then I feel him near my panties. God. I'm pretty sure I'm wet now.
I still don't move. He starts rubbing on my Pussy and it feels so good. A soft moan escapes my lips. I still can't make eye contact with him but I'm sure he liked it because he started moving faster. He then slipped in his fingers. Oh my god. Another moan escaped my lips. " Asher..." I moan. He goes faster in and out of me. As soon as I'm about to cum he stops. Why ?!!

I look over at him and he's smirking. Oh great so this is how it is huh. I'll get him back for sure.

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