Bonus chapter

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After a few minutes the doctor came out of the room. I wiped my tears out of my eyes quickly and got up. " doctor please what is going on!"

" She was having a heart failure but we were able to get her back well. She should be awake in a bit" he nods and goes to talk to a few nurses outside of the room.

I turn my head and looked at myself at the reflection of the window. I had a scar on my lip and my face was covered in spots of dirt and dried blood.

My hair was messy and my forehead was sweaty. Dried up  tear stains were on my shirt along with some splotches of blood .

All I saw was disappointment. Pure disappointment. I almost lost the love of my life but I did lose our baby.

The doctor comes back and heads inside of the room. I watch him monitor her and he turns to look at me and he nods . He motions for me to come in so I do.

I stumble a bit trying to go towards the door . Anxiety crept in making me nervous . Doubt starts to fill my mind . What if she hates me?She should hate me.

Dozens of thoughts flowed through my head while my heart was pounding out of my chest. My hands were clammy and sweaty from the stress .

I eventually got in and all I saw was her. " She's starting to wake up I'll leave you here."

I slowly come closer to her and she slowly opens her eyes.

" Asher..?" She whispers .
Her eyebrows crinkle up in confusion. " where am I.. how?"

" sh sh sh sh" I press my finger to her lips. " you need to rest love. I'll tell you everything once you are settled."

She shakes her head no and I sighed .
" do you remember anything at all of what happened?" I look at her with worry in my eyes.

She thinks for a moment and then nods.
" I remember us getting into a fight.." she starts to choke up on her words. " and then I thought you hated me . I remember you telling me to stay back and I did. But then the house got attacked and they got killed. I remember meeting Santos and being taken and beaten. And then I don't seem to remember the rest." She sobs.

I frown. My poor Rose. I did this to her .

" I just want you to know I don't hate you. God I. I fucking love you rose . I love you with my whole heart. I only told you those things to protect you. Santos had threatened me and you. I couldn't lose you baby. I had to do it in order to protect you but clearly that wasn't the best option. It pained me saying those things. It pained me leaving you. It pained me seeing you here in the hospital."

" it pained.. me knowing I almost lost you and knowing I was the cause of you losing our baby.." I touch her belly.

Her eyes widen in shock. " b-baby?" She whispers. Her eyes travel to my hand on her stomach. She places her hand over mine tears fill up her eyes.

" I love you as well Asher. I fell in love with you when you first asked me to be yours"

Her telling me she loved me made my heart jump.I grinned so wide and I placed a kiss on her forehead. But the air got heavy once I still knew our baby didn't make it. I had my rose back. Even the thorns couldn't keep me away from her. But regret and guilt will haunt me for the rest of my life. Even as the boss of the mafia this will always be my weakness. Love

This is a bonus chapter after the last chapter I had published. Hope it clears up some confusion :)

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