Chapter 25

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The next few chapters (2-3) will be in Roses POV. The other 2 will be in Ashers POV.


After having sex we decided to just lay down on the grass in silence. It was amazing. The first time I actually enjoy it. I wanted to ask him what it would mean for us now. I know he isn't the relationship type anymore. But I'm curious.

"Asher?" I asked hesitantly
" hmm?" He turned and looked at me.
" um.. now what?"

He looked confused and then he realized what I meant. " uh well.. look Rose you're amazing but I don't do relationships anymore. I could do a no strings attached thing with you but if you don't feel comfortable we don't have to do it and we could stay friends."

I thought about it for a moment. No strings attached so just sex. I could do this .. if can't be that hard right ?

" Okay. Yeah sure let's do it" I smiled.
He nodded and kissed me passionately.
After ten more minutes we got dressed and headed back to the house .

" HEYYY BITCH" Axel came running to me.
Oh god I missed him . I had so much to tell him.
" AXEL" I went to hug him. " I missed you so much how was it over there ?!"

" Girl it was amazing. I really missed my family but I missed you so much. I'm sorry for not contacting you . You know for the safety of my family ." He frowned.

Living around people in the mafia can be dangerous. Especially if you work for one. They could go for your family and everything you love. So me and Axel couldnt be in touch while he went to visit.

" Ugh and I missed your birthday!" He stomped .
I laughed. " it's okay Axel don't worry I had an amazing time ." I looked over to Asher standing awkwardly.

" wait.. don't tell me you too finally hooked up" he smirked.
"Yeah" I smirked.
" Oh god finally ! The sexual tension you guys had" he clapped.
Asher burst out laughing . So did I . God I missed my best friend .


Two weeks passed and it was so much fun. Me and Asher have had a lot of sex. Sex in the kitchen, in the shower, in the room, in the pool, in the training room, on the table , In the study, I could go on.

A sudden situation did come up though. We have alerts of De Santos gang planning attacks soon. So we have also kept busy with packages and weapons.

My father and Ronaldo left for Italy today . They have to take care of somethings for a few months . Oh and since I didn't mention before we live in Spain .


I decided to go to the pool today because I was extremely bored. I haven't gone to the club In ages.

I sigh and dip my feet In the water. I get my phone and call Axel. " Bitch let's go out I'm bored." I wine .

He laughs on the other side " okay let's go at 8. Oh and bring your mans"

" he's not my mans shut up bye"
I hang up.

Ugh. Honestly I wouldn't mind if he was mine. I just know he doesn't do relationships and I want to respect that. Plus he will never want me .

He had a gorgeous model girlfriend and I don't know what she looks like but I know she was beautiful. He was about to propose to her and he's only known me for a few months.

I told myself I wouldn't fall for Asher. But in my heart I knew he was trouble the second I saw him.

I sit by the pool for another hour and decide to go take a shower and get ready. My first stop was to tell Asher to come with us.

I knock on his door " come in"
I go inside and he's shirtless laying on his bed watching baseball. The Yankees and the Astros are playing .

" I didn't think you are a baseball kinda guy." I laugh. He chuckles and says " well I didn't think you even knew what a sport was"

I rolled my eyes . " Listen me and Axel are going out to the club. He told me to bring you along ."

" what time?" He checks his watch.
" 8, be ready" I smile and got out his room.
I went to my room and got in the shower.

After I got out I decided to put on something sexy. I put on a tight red dress with a long v neck that dipped under my breasts. Damn . My girls look GOOD.

I admire myself In the mirror and I apply some make up this time. Why not ?
Damn I look hot. The mascara makes my eyes pop.

I fix my hair and put on some heels to match.
I pick up my phone and dial Axel. " bitch are you ready?" I laugh.
" Yes I'm waiting In the car come on. I won't drink today I'll be your driver." He chuckles.

" awe thanks you're the best" I laugh and hang up. I head down stairs and I see Asher already waiting for me. He looks good.

He looks at me up and down slowly. Taking in the sight in front of him. Then he meets my eyes . His beautiful brown eyes. I can get lost in them.
I feel my cheeks heat up by him staring. Why does he have this effect on me?

" you look beautiful Rosita" he smirks. Rosita. He finally called me my nickname. It sounds so good coming out his mouth. The way he rolls his r.

" I.. um you look beautiful too." Shit. Why did I say that. I palm my face and leave from embarrassment. I hear him laugh behind me.

We get in the car and we drive off to the club.

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