chapter 5

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You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.~ Dr seuss
It was like the world had stood still when she saw Marques, he literally took her breath away. She was frozen in her spot. Was she being punished for running away to fall in the hands of her handsome man. She wished he was the duke she was to marry and all this was just a misunderstanding. He was such a lovely man with a lovely figure. She was attracted to him, who wouldn't. Not even his brother could be compared to him or maybe her heart was being biased. He walked closer to her and her heart accelerated, like it wanted to jump out of her chest.

"We should be starting off, your horse is ready" he was tormenting her with his breath so close to her ear. She wanted him to brush his lips upon her cheek. God help her she didn't understand the feelint that where bubbling in her tummy. It was both excruciating and exciting.

All right! He said horse. She thought to herself. Her father would dig a grave for her for her sinful thoughts. Her mother would ensure she is locked up in the chapel so that her knees should bleed praying for her sinful thoughts.

Horse! She had to get on a horse. She suddenly remembered her fear of horses and she flinched. She wasnt going to be to inform them about that. Andrew would definitely laugh and she had no idea what Marques would make of her. A weakling, one who did not deserve to be married to him.

"Are you okay, Elizabeth?" James came from nowhere.

"Yes I am, shall we." She stared at Marques

"She is beautiful,  brother." Andrew laughed. Teasing both of them. Elizabeth was blushing profusingly it was adorable.
She was constantly awed by the beauty of his appearance.  She stared as his sculpted cheekbones and dark winged brows, thickly lashed blue eyes and those lips, perfectly etchedto be both sensual and wicked.
"Like what you see, miss Sinclair, "Marques teased her.
Her cheeks couldnt get any darker. She felt embarrassed to be noticed. Her heart was beating.  She wanted to touch his cheek and caress him.  No matter how much she looked at him she found herself thinking of him. What was he going to do when he found out what she was hiding from them! She was scared.
"You do know how to ride a horse don't you? " She had no idea whether he was trying to tease her or he was being sarcastic. Either way,  she was not going to him the satisfaction of knowing that she was scared of the horse. She stared at the horse it seemed friendly enough.
"Do you need assistance,  miss Sinclair. " James laughed lowly and Andrew started riding away
     she stared at the handsome face before her.
He was funny and interesting. She liked this playful side of him. She was interested in knowing this side of him.
"Come on now, I shall lift you." Marques said. She was afraid to move, she did not want to move towards him. She was scared of herself and her feelings for him. However,  she had no choice. She moved towards him and took a deep breath to calm herself. She had no idea why she was feeling like this.
Once on the horse back she contemplated the situation. She was a married woman being moved to unknown places with men she did not know.  For all she knew, they could be rapist most still murderers. But deep down she trusted them and she knew she would follow them every where.

Only once in life, do you find a person who can completely turn your world upside down, where you share things you can never share with another soul and absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can't wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement . they are not embarrassed to cry with you when you're hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of you self . never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you things that make you feel special and beautiful. You can be yourself and not worry about what they think because they love you for being you . Laughter seems part of your life where before it was infrequent. In their presence, there is no need for continuous conversation but you feel content just being with them.
You open your heart with chances it may b e broken but with this there is so much love and joy. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are part of your life. Elizabeth believed in everything her brother had told her. She had listened to every word that her brother had told her and she believed his words.

She was drowsy as she thought of her dear brother. Her brother who god knows where he was. A brother who was chasing after his dream.
He abandoned her, for several months she had cried herself to sleep. He left her to fend for herself. She was so consumed by her emotions she hardly noticed that the sun was so bright it was blinding. How long had she actually sat there and rode the horse she had no idea. She could hear Andrew and Marques argue about stopping somewhere before they continued. She was tired, she wanted to close her eyes just for a while. She slowly closed her eyes. She was tired. Someone was calling her but she was too tired to respond.
Next she knew she was on the ground.

"I told you to take a break" Andrew said.
"Andrew,Enough!"James shouted. James was the composed one. He never raised his voice and there she knew he was frustrated by the way his brother pestered their elder brother. 
"Are you alright? " Marques asked.
"I do not feel much pain, I must be fine."
"You're hurt." James said lifting her hand.
"There is a motel ahead we shall rest there, you will ride with me Elizabeth." Marques said and his voice left no room for an argument.

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