chapter 8

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"Have you taken ill?" She repeated the question as if it was not clear the first time.

"You're saying something?" He asked dumbly.

"I can't tell whether you're ignorant or arrogant or both."She said. Not sure if he had not taken ill."Thank you for your kindness, I seem to have healed we can go in search of your......" She hardly finished her sentence when a knock at the door was heard.

He hastily stood up hoping it was Andrew he was eager to give him some good beating before leaving for their estate. He had been hoping to be rid of Miss Sinclair by mid day but thanks to the ignorant brother.

He was met with disappointment when he opened the door and James stood there. They were no traces of worry on his face.

"Miss Sinclair, may I introduce to you Mr Arrogant." And behind james came Andrew."And the supposedly missing Mr Ignorant" he said sarcasm dripping from him.

"And you must be both." Elizabeth added. Finding amusement in this James gave a chuckle. Andrews chuckle was met with a deep glare that told him he was in no way forgiven yet.

"I find displeasure in your amusement, Miss Sinclair."

"Usually I would apologise."She said with a smile brightening her face. Why was she damn beautiful even at this odd hour of the morning?

"Hardly ever thought of all gentlemen you would think me beautiful." She said and he looked at her puzzled.

"And its not an odd hour, its bright outside." James added. Had he thought that aloud or could they read his mind?

"We can read your mind." Andrew said laughing in the process.

"Stop teasing Andrew." Elizabeth scolded. Suddenly feeling worried. She looked at Marques checking if he had an ailment but she couldn't tell. He looked tired yes, but nothing looked out of the ordinary.

"Goodmorning, Elizabeth." James said. Taking the liberty to call her name without permission. Taking her hand and giving her a plum kiss on it. He was trying to divert the attention from his brother to them.

"What right have you owned to call her by her name?" Elizabeth giggled. Andrew smiled finding amusement in his brother.

"We have made acquaintances. Haven't we my dear?" He gave her his crooked smile that not even she was able to deny the handsomeness of him.

"You will refrain from using that name." Marques warned him.

"It is a name of a friend." James challenged knowing full well it irked him.

"May I have the honor of knowing what you kind and ignorant sir was involved in?" Marques asked Andrew looking at him with eyes that could burn holes.

"I'm sorry." Andrew looked down. Clearly he did not want to upset his brother any further than he already did. He knew well the next step he would take if he were to be upset any further.

"Your actions are very displeasing and disappointing."Marques began his usual reproach which usually followed by a series of how father would be disappointed and worried and too many other things that fortunately never came. When he was done talking he looked at Marques like he had left out something which he did. What happened to the part where he said 'have pride' and 'I will cut you off the inheritance' and 'for an earl I don't need this'.

"What have I left something?" He asked puzzled.

"Now Miss sinclair, have breakfast with me." James said and took hold of her hand. She stopped in her tracks and stared at Marques. She didn't understand it but there was a sudden need to ask for his permission. She wanted him to allow her. No one made a sound as they all stared at her waiting for her answer.

"Miss Sinclair?" She looked at Marques and James. The three of them hard a staring match, watching and waiting.

"Elizabeth!" Marques shouted out. His voice full of power and command. Even she was scared of what he would do if she didn't obey.

"Are we on first name basis?" Andrew teased. Getting the attention from Elizabeth.

"Come now, love, breakfast awaits us." He grabbed Elizabeth's hand and dragged her to the whole way leaving Marques and James tongue tied and staring after them.

"How will Marques feel?" He pulled a chair for her to take her seat.

"Are you perhaps bessotted with my brother?" Andrew asked with clear amusement dripping from him. He has never seen his brother flustered with a girl before. He was yet to make this fun for him.

He looked at her as he took his seat opposite her. Puzzlement was a clear definition of how she looked at that moment.

"Perhaps if you gave a clear meaning to your words." She didn't want to look intimidated by him.

"You favour your enemy to your hero." He widened his grin. He wanted to elicit certain emotions from her that he had no idea whether he was ready for them or not. What would happen if she did fancy his brother?

"Are you the hero, my good sir?" she said. She wanted to make this situation to her advantage but not once has she been in such an appropriate situation.

"Marques!" Elizabeth unknowingly said the name feeling his presence. A smile automatically graced it's way on the lips of the hardened duke. He was clearly amused by her lack of propriety by calling him his name. oh how lovely his name sounded on her lips. He looked at the girl before him lifting a cup of what he assumed was tea in it to her lips clearing avoiding the eyes of her companion for they had clearly noticed her slip of the tongue.

As her blush tainted her sweet cheeks, Marques once again felt the heat that had consumed him it was like meeting her all over again and he knew why he had mistaken her for an angel. Looking at her closer he did think she was an angel. She was so beautiful like a siren, his siren angel.

"We all seem to be on first name basis." James teased her cheeks reddened further if it was even possible.

"She does seem besotted by our brother." Andrew said amused by how her innocence. Not in his life had he met a girl so beautiful and innocence and the other minute a ball of raging fire. He looked at his old brother who was still staring at her with a look that clearly showed that the brother was taken. Nothing was going to change that fact. Finally his brother was on his way to being settled.

"I am famished settle down brother." James said to Marques getting him out of his reverie.

Silence took over them as they ate their breakfast Andrew observed the pair as they ate their steal stealing glances when they thought the other wasn't looking. He looked at his brother sighing in content. He looked content to have found his siren angel, for siren is what she was. She was going to be a good thing for their tough brother, only she was going to break though the shell that described Marques. Giving a prayer of thanks he took a deep breath praying that he wasn't wrong in his assumptions. As much as he thought Marques should settle down, he was never going to settle he liked the sample of the few willing skirts that gave him pleasure.

Elizabeth looked at her finished plate of breakfast she had been so hungry she had hardly noticed. Now had she noticed how her plate had emptied. She smiled at her accomplishment as she took a sip of her water. Just as she lifted her head and her gaze fell upon the exquisite pair of eyes. He was beautiful she couldn't deny it. He was going to give her problems, she thought as she looked away. She stared at his strong hands she wondered how they would feel pressed against her cheek.

She bit her lips to avoid embarrassing herself and she suddenly noticed how he had clenched his fist. She was shocked to what could have upset him so. As she stared at him her breath hitched he had closed his eyes and he just looked so handsome she wanted him to open his eyes. She wanted to see him oh how she wanted to be touched by him. She blushed and looked around trying to see if anyone had seen her display of impropriety thoughts. It was then she noticed she was all alone with Marques. Where had every one gone, she thought.

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