pt. 25

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Bakugou  POV

As I hear kirishima struggling to keep pikashit away from the nail paint my gut feeling keeps getting worse.

'I hope deku is okay, what if somethin happened to him, what if someone robbed him or bullied him. What if someone looked at my laptop search history. God I'd be so worried.'

"Hey guys imma head out" I say getting up from spikey hairs bed. "And dont fuckin eat that you dumbass cuz I ant takin care of you when you get sick"

"Rude, also I'm a god so I cant get sick" denki responds as I shut the door. 'Idiot'

As I walk down the hall way I run into pink cheeks with glasses boy and she gives me a double take. 'Why am I getting an unsettling feeling from that reaction'

Midoriya POV:

We enter todoroki's room and I walk over to his bed to sit down. I get comfy on the bed, moving pillows and blankets around and he comes over and hands me an iced tea. I take it and he sits down beside me, setting up his laptop.

"Want to start it now? or should I make popcorn?"

I think for a second then speak "some popcorn sounds nice" he gives me a smile then gets up to make it.

"It'll only be a sec"
I nod in response.

At this point I'm wondering if this was a good idea. Kacchan will be probably be really upset... No, todoroki is my friend and kacchan has no right to deside when and if I can hang with friends or not. Plus we haven't even said if we're dating or not so this shouldn't matter, todoroki is a friend.

"Here" todoroki says as he hands me the bowl of steamy, buttery popcorn.

"Ooo this smells so good, thank you" I smile and I pop some in my mouth.

"You ready?"he asks as he starts the movie.


The movie is almost finished and the two love interests go in for a kiss. As this happens I feel a hand touch my own.
Throughout this whole movie I could feel the warm body beside me slowly start to move closer and closer so at this point I'm starting to understand what's happening.

"Hey todoro-" as I turn to face him he grabs my cheek and looks me in the eyes "oh uh hi...your kinda close" and laugh uneasily, this is not where I thought it was going.

"Midoriya" he says under his breath as he looks at my lips

"No I dont think you should do thi-" I get cut off my him moving his face to mine and connecting our lips. Dammit, god dammit todoroki I thought we were friends. Not love interests.

I push him away then look at the floor "you shouldn't have done that" I say pressing my embarrassment down to resolve this

"But...I thought" he says in a matter

"Oh gosh I cant do this, I'm sorry," I get up a head to the door "we can talk later okay but please dont do that again... thanks for the ice tea"
I feel as my face rushes full of blood making me red with emotions. Its different from when I kissed kacchan,  I feel way to guilty, but my heart skipped a beat and I want to die. I have to apologize to kacchan.

I walk out of the room and down the hall, just kept looking at the floor the whole way until I was infront of my room, I open to see that kacchan wasnt back. I sit down and think of how I'm gonna get out of this situation.

I think and think and think then click...

"Oh, didnt know you where back" I freeze as my feel fear run through my stomach.
I stand up, shoulders all tense from stress.
"I'm sorry"

"What's with you and muttering? Gotta speak louder for me to understand" kacchan says with a smirk as he stands infront of me.

"I'm sorry"

He gives me a look "for what?" He asks curious.

"For...   not saying I was back" I feel my body cringe at the lie and guilt waiting to bottle me up and throw me against the ground. Shattering into peices.

"Oh that? The tf apologize, I'm not your mom" he laughs then goes sits down on he bed.

I'm gonna tell him later... I swear

Been a while, I'm sorry. School just has to put so much work that I'm sleeping ever chance I get.

Any hope u enjoyed

Love you <3

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