pt. 2

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Midoriya POV:

I stand infront of my dorm room door, Bags in hand. I put one hand on the door nob and twist it open and walk inside.
The first thing I notice is the smell, it smelled like caramel 'that's a little odd, but familiar...whatever'
The room gave off a calm setting that I liked. I look to the right side of the room to find a lot of stuff and on the left was empty. I guess my roommates already claimed that side.

I walk over to my new bed and put my stuff down. I lay on my bed and take a deep breath in

"I guess this will be my room for the next few years" I say to myself

I sit up when I hear the door open to find the last person I would ever expect

Bakugou  POV:

After I was done with being on my phone, I deiced to look around campus. Most people already looked around with a group before the start of the year but I wanted to take a better look and I also wanted a coffee.

After I drank my coffee in the shop I started to head back to my room to see what classes I had. Class didnt start until tomorrow.

I approach my room and see that the door is unlocked.'my roommate must have arrived'

I open it so find the last person I ever wanted to see

"Oh! Hey kacchan" the boy says surprised

"DEKU!?! WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU IN MY ROOM" I shout while stomping toward him

"Woah, kacchan p-please calm down"  he says stuttering and putting his hands up in defense

"And why the hell should I do that. Why are you here!!" I say standing infront of him

He looks at me a lowers his hands a bit. He looks away from me. Avoiding my eyes "w-well this his my dorm room and in guessing it yours too?"
I stay silent trying to process what hes saying.

"Looks like we are roommates. Kacchan" he says with a smile still a little nervous

I just stare at him for bit. Repeating what he said in my head, I snap out of in when I feel him tap my shoulder and that's when the realization sets in


"HUUUH!?!?!?!" I yell


Hi, sorry for the chapters being really short and for the spelling mistakes.

I hope you are enjoying reading. I'm enjoying making it. I'll try my best to get the third and fourth part up soon


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