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   Bakugou POV:

"You love him dont you?"

Her question caught me off guard. I just kinda stood there like an idiot not knowing what to say.

"Well do you?"

"Huh?! What's it to you, ?"

She stomped towards me with an mad expression "because hes my friend! And I dont want you hurting him!"

She stops right infront of me "so do you really love him or are you just toying with him"

I look down at her with a soft expression "..yes, I do love him"

She stares at my face for a few seconds then steps back with a smile
She then turns around and walks away "oh by the way, todoroki and deku are hanging out right now"
She says running off.

" oh that son of a b-" "BAKUGOU!"

I look behind me to see pikachu and shithair. " what were you doing talking to-Ohh " the two boys look at each other and smile.
"so for how long?" Pikachu says

"Wai-what-NO you sent her to talk to me, idiot"

"Oh right"

"Yeah and didnt she say she liked girls" pikachu says

"Oh yeah, but bakubro is like a manly girl" shittyhair says

I turn to both of them "dude, just shut the fuck up. I'm leaving" I say speed walking away from them.

"But you still did tell us who you like"

Timeskip cuz I'm lazy

Im in my dorm reading a book when I feel myself get a little hungry. Then I remember the chocolates in my bag, I grab them then go sit down again.
The were these orange chocolate hearts.
'Oh right, the nerd is with that piece a shit half an half'
I feel my body get annoyed and a note form in my stomach. I snatch on my the hearts and shove it in my mouth. 'Damn deku hangingout with a guy like that when he should be here. Why  does he even like that bastard' I shove a few more in my mouth when I hear the door click open.

"Hey kacchan" he smiles

I just grumble in response and I eat another chocolate.

Midoriya POV:

I set my bag down and take my shoes off. I see that kacchan is eating the chocolate...why does he look so grumpy

"Oh, do you like the treat I got you" I smile but he just shoots my a glare and eats another one.

What is going on? He looks like a pouting child..its kind of cute to be honest. Oh well, I'm in a good mood so I'm not gonna ask' I sit on my bed and take off my hoodie.

"Did you and that tea kettle have fun?" He grumbles quietly

I look at him " what?" I say almost giggling

"Well you seem to be in a good mood so" he says eating another chocolate.

"..pff-" I put my hand over my mouth to stop laughing. Oh my gosh, is kacchan jealous? Is that why hes acting like that,

"The f- why are you laughing?"

I giggle then run my fingers through my hair " heh sorry it's just, I never knew jealous kacchan would be so...cute"

I see kacchan face get super red and he hides it with his hands "s-shut up, I'm not jealous"

I laugh again " yeah sure"

"I'm just irritated.. we were gonna go get coffee, remember?"

Oh right, I completely forgot, now I find bad "oh yeah, sorry about that"

Kacchan gets up and grabs my hand, pulling toward the door "it's fine, we could just go now"

"Uh, ok"

Hope you liked it.


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