pt. 16 :)

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~next day~

Deku POV:

I wake up the next morning to see that kacchan had left. Which made me kinda relieved. I have NO Idea how I'm gonna be around him for the rest of my life.

After all, he did KISS me, nothing too big. Who am I kidding, I'm gonna be a stuttering mess next time I see him...

I really hope he likes me... because I kind of have the feeling that he was just trying to.. insult me in the worse way possible.

But how did he even know I liked him. I didnt give any hints? Oh well. No use an thinking of it right now.

The notification bell goes off on my phone so a check to see what it was.
It was Iida, he texted me letting me know that they were waiting outside.

'Oh Shoot, I was supposed to meet them outside my dorm'

I jump out of bed, throw some clothes on, brush my teeth then run out the door.

"Your late, deku"

Uraraka says as I jog toward her, Iida, and todoroki "yeah sorry, I slept in"

"Hehe well I couldn't blame you, we were up really late last night, it's like you didnt want to go back to your dorm or something" she giggles.

My face goes a little red, remembering  the real reason. ".ha..ha. yeeeaah. Anyway let's go" I say marching forward.

We make it to the mall and start looking around. Uaraka mostly dragged us to the sweets so we had to get some.

They had little red, pink, blue, green chocolate hearts so we each got our own "colours" as uraraka puts it. I ended up getting some orange ones to distract kacchan away from talking about Tha-

"Why is your face red?"


We continue looking through stores, getting little gifts for friends, family and teachers until we all decide it was enough.

Me and uraraka sat down at one of those bench chairs thingy in the mall, Waiting for todoroki and Iida to finish up in the store.

As we sit down we begin to hear giggling from the bench behind us, it was just white noise until something catches my attention.

"Wait, isn't that the guy we saw on ths roof last night"

"Oh yeah, he was making out with that blonde guy and when we opened the door he dragged him off"

I froze, feeling heat rise to my face faster and faster.

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah, wait is that his girlfriend. Does that mean hes cheating"

"OMG maybe"

"Or maybe that guy was his boyfriend cuz it looked like they were having a 'fun time' "

"Omg stop"

My life is over..

I turn around to look at them.

"Omgosh it is him"

"Shut up lizzie" her friend says as they get up and leave.

I look at uraraka and her jaw was on the floor

"They were totally talking about you"

"W-what, what m-makes you think that" I lie


"We-well it's not"

"I'm just hurt you didnt tell me" she puts the back of her hand to her forehead and pertends to cry.

I wrape my arms around my face. Embarrassed with the world

"Well are you gonna tell me who it is" she says poking my shoulder. "Wait the said a blonde guy?...wait

Dont tell me...kaminari?"

I Snap to face her "W-w-What, no!"

She laughs " I'm kidding. I know you didn't kiss anyone, I was just teasing you. Plus who would I believe, some random girls sitting behind us or you"

I just stare at her with a blank tomato face. Then stare at my shoes playing with my thumbs.

"W-well actually..."

Gasps "no way did you..."

"Kacchan may have kissed me..."

The air got silent and weird. But then she jumps up and pulls me into a hug
"Omg I'm so happy for you" he pulls away " was it when you guys were walking out of the building last night?"

I shyly nod my head. And in return she gives me a big smile.

"Your secret is safe with me" she whispered as Iida and todoroki appeared from the store.

I give her a soft smile and try to for get about it until I get back to the dorm.

I hope you liked the chapter
Have a great day, children
Sorry it was short


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