pt. 5

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Bakugou POV:

I wake up to the sound of my alarm on my phone. I open my phone and shut the alarm off then sit there I few minutes.
After regaining the memory from yesterday I decided to get up.

I go get dressed in a black hoodie and Jean's then brush my teeth. When I exit the bathroom I see deku beginning to stir.

He mumbles a few times then opens his eyes and sitting up. I chuckle to myself when I see him looking around the room squinting. I'm guessing he forgot about being in the dorms.

"We have class today, deku" I say in my usual tone of voice

"Mm, ok ka..chan" he says tiredly which makes me snicker but cover my mouth so he doesn't hear.

As soon as I see deku on his feet wobbling to the bathroom I make my way to the door and out to my first class.


Midoriya POV:

After I hear the teacher for my last class of the day dismiss us I start to put my books in my bag.

I turn around when I feel some one tap my shoulder. It was todoroki.
"Hey todoroki, what's up" I say cheerfully

"Hey Midoriya, I was wondering if you wanted to study a bit?" He say in he usual monotone voice

"Oh yeah sure, want to go get some coffee then come over to my room?" I say putting the last things I had on my desk into my bag

"That sounds fine" he says

I swing my bag of my shoulder then face him "alright then, let's go"

We go get are drinks and end up talking about random stuff like what classes we had and whether to get coffee again tomorrow until we made it to my room

I open the door and let todoroki inside. I throw my bag beside my bed and he puts his down neatly by the door.

I take out some books, pencils, pens, and paper to use for writing notes.
Todoroki sits on my bed and I hand a book with a hard cover for him to write on. I then sit on the floor facing him as he starts writing and I do the same with ours drinks beside us taking sips here and there

Bakugou POV:

I take my dorm room key out of my pocket when I realize the door is already unlocked. Deku must be back. I open the door to see deku and that half an half bastard studying.
I feel myself get ticked off

"Oh, welcome back Kacchan" the shitty nerd says looking up from his paper

"Hello, bakugou" half an half says kinda confused to why I'm here. I'm guessing deku didnt tell him I was his roommate

I shut the door and throw my bag on my bed then turn to the boys
"What the hell is he doing here" I say gesturing to deku "guest"

"Todoroki and I are studying" he says

"Yeah, I have eyes" I say harshly

"The real question is 'why are you here" half an half says a little irritated

"Did I ask you? No so keep your mouth shut" I say moving a little closer to him

"W-well actually, hes my roommate" dekus laughs nervously

"Oh really?" He looked at deku

"Yeah I know, I was surprised too" he laughs again

"Oh, it must be hard to get some rest with all the. Y'know noise" half an half says shooting me a glare and the last part

He really fucking pisses me off. I stomp over to him and grabs his collar "WHAT WAS THAT BASTARD"

"Woah kacchan please c-calm down" deku stutters holding up his hands

"What. I said nothing that wasn't true so what's the deal" he says calmly but with a glare

"That wasn't true,huh? Are you trying to piss me off" I say pushes his collar up

"Kacchan please let him go, we were only studying" he says worriedly

We glare at each other for a few seconds until I let go of his shirt and turn away from both of them "tch, whatever" I grumble and walk out the door

I stomp down the stairs and went go outside. There was a few trees outside the building. I went a leaned against one of them and took out a box and a lighter. I open the box and took out of cigarette and lit it. I immediately stuck it in my mouth and took a breath in as I feel the smoke fill my lungs.

I breathed out and at the same time put the box and lighter back in my pocket.

I didnt tell anyone I smoked cuz I knew they would go on a rant on how it's not healthy and it's bad for me.

I already knew that but it was one of the only things the calmed me. I started it in middle school and I guess I never really stopped. It doesn't taste good and I could quit at anytime but like I said. It's one of the only thing that calms me so I just keep doing it

"Fucking damn nerd, trusting that bastard" I say putting the cigarette back in my mouth

Deku is giving me a damn headache
It's so annoying that he spends his time with that asshole and actually has fun. Seeing him with other people and him smiling stupidly makes me mad. He only shows me a worried face.

"Tch, why the fuck do I care anyway?" I say to myself

I hate him..


Hope you enjoyed. I tried to make this one longer so yeah. And I'm still kinda unsure about the whole Baku smoking but I had no other idea so there you go


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