8 | I fight a deadly 5-year-old

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The shop bell rang as I stepped out of the door. My hair smelled terrible.

I sighed, letting the door close behind me and walked away as I heard thunderclap.

I grumbled and jogged under the roofs as rain started pouring, splashing water on my shoes.

The sun already went down. Many cars passed quickly. The streetlights were on and dim. People were either bringing out umbrellas or running as the rain became heavier.

I stopped to catch my breath and caught a glimpse of my reflection on a store's window. I stared back at it.

The hairdresser did a good job fixing my black hair but . . . its neck length now, way shorter than my waist-length before. It was straight, combed, shampooed and all that. Later, it was definitely going to stick up in different places.

The villainess trio would love to see this. They won't leave me alone.

I touched the bandage on my right cheek, pressing on it just to know if it wasn't just a dream.

My knuckles were purple. I had bandages, gauze and bruises. I guessed my body wasn't use to fighting anymore. I racked my brain for how to explain this to my Tita Violet.

The color of my eyes make it seemed to glow on the window but it's sad and tired. I furrowed my brows.

The Hoodie guy just confirmed what I didn't want to believe and my powers were getting out of control just like the last time days were like this. The fact that Lyla and Oliver had powers too made me want to push someone off a cliff. Someone called Skylee Rojas.

But remembering that Lyla had a wig all this time (I always thought there was something wrong with her hair always being so good), I took a deep breath and smiled in the reflection.

I looked better . . . just, not real at the moment but I'll get through this. I always did.

With the smile, I clenched my fists and faced the streets.

I wasn't very far from home. I just needed get through this rain – without slipping.

I readied myself in position, pulling Ryan's jacket over my head.

A run through the rain - the freezing rain. Across the street to the front of the mall - a little far. Just to get a jeep - with lots of people.

I shook my head.

"What are you doing?"

I flinched. Turning around to see Tylor with his brows creased.

I looked away, still preparing to sprint across the . . . cold rain.

"You can't just run through the rain."

"I do what I want."

He grumbled.

"Here," he said, handing out an umbrella while looking away.

I glared. "I don't need your pity."

"Good." Then, he turned to leave.

I swore I was going to punch him later. For now, I groaned.

"Ok, I'll take it."

He squinted at me in the corner of his eyes and gave it to me.

"Thanks." I sneered, opening it and see a nametag in it.

"This isn't yours?"

"I borrowed it."

"You stole someone's- oh, wait, nevermind. It's Jerry de Mata's."

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