Chapter four

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-- Quick A/N --

Hey Guys! So this story so far is really fun to write ( And I haven't even gotton that far) But I just want to say thank you to the people who have read all of it so far! I already have a lot of reads and a few votes! It really encourages me to continue the story! Also, If you see any spelling or capitalization errors, or any error in general, please feel free to point it out. I type too fast when I'm excited, and tend to miss a few keys, or hit too many. Ok! I'll continue now.

( Usagi's POV )

I wake up from the familiar dreamless sleep in my prison cell, * ahem* I mean bed room.

The plain black and grey bedsheets. The black floors, and white walls. on the wall I was facing there is one Grey door, and two on the one to my left. The one I was facing was the exit,with two security scanners, and a code punch. The other two were my closet and my bathroom. Next to my bed is my desk, which is black. On it is my Silver laptop,that is monitered by my father constantly. The only color that is in my personal space is my closet. The one thing I was allowed to pick out for myself and control was my wardrobe. And sometimes, the music I listened to. THere were band T-shirts, and tank tops of all colors and styles. at least ten different leather jackets, multiple belts, and all types, shapes ,colors and forms of skinny jeans. My shoes consisted of sneakers,  and leather boots, in many styles. 

I had a barred window, but all I could see was outside, and it made me upset, so I kept the shades down at all times. 

I almost escaped this time.

I sighed and flopped back down on my bed, grabbing my laptop as I did so. 

What school did they say they went to? Ah, Ouran acadamy.

I pulled up the website, surprised that it wasn't blocked. I took the virtual tour, and looked at classes and clubs. I looked at scholarships, and other ways to get in. This school sounded and looked amazing. If you forget the ugly dress uniforms, and how pink it was. 

I want to go to school. I want to join a club. I want friends. 

Then I heard a voice come over the intercom, a sickly sweet male voice, that I detested. 

" What are you looking at a school for, my dear Usagi?"


" Well, Father, I was hoping to make a deal with you."

What am I doing. Why am I doing this. I shouldn't be 

I couldn't help it. I needed friends. I needed to go to school. I have to do this.

" Oh? Do explain this deal, my sweet"

I internally cringe. Who wouldn't?

" Well, I was thinking, that If you allow m to attend this school, as a boy, then I will never attemptto escape again. I was thinking of also allowin one club for after school hours as well.  "

I said it. There's no going back now

There was Silience.

" Why as a boy?"

was he agreeing?

" The girls uniforms are horrendous"

" Fair enough, we have a deal. I will enroll you in this school, but if you do try to escape, it's over. Understand?"

" Yes father! Thank You!" 

I smiled at  the camera I knew was there.

" You start tomorrow, I will have someone bring you your things"

I heard the intercom turn off.

wow. It worked.

I'm going to school. 

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