Chapter seven

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-- A/N -- 

I'm way too excitedto write this, so expect errors. THats all. Hope you like the Chpter. 

Usagi's POV

I woke up to a rather load, blaring noise, that shreaked in my ear in the most unpleasant of ways. I curl up in a ball.

" WAKE UP! Time For SCHool!"

Oh right, school

I sat up, now excited.

I get to go to school. I get to meet people. I get to be normal.

I hummed to myself as I got ready, putting on The black Pants, The white shirt, and Purple jacket. Then I Tied my Tie, Put on my dress shoes, Then my black beaney,  and grabbed my bag. 

" Father, I'm ready."

I stood at the door, waiting for it to open, and as soon as it did I ran straight to the dining room, where the plain oatmeal was waiting for me, with a glass of milk. The meal had never looked so good. I Shoveled it into my mouth quickly, and got up again.

" Slow down Kitten, or you'll pass out before you get there."

I was too happy to even growl at him for using the nickname. I just smiled and flew at him for a hug. I may detest the man, but he was giving me this chance, and I couldn't forget that. 

" I've got to go! Goodbye father!" and I flew down the halls, straight into the garage. There were too many cars in the garage, and bikes, and scooters, and mini planes, and boats... and a Limo! I ran straight to it, and jumped in. 

"Onward!" I shouted, pointing at the garage door.

" Uhm miss?"

I caught the very nervous looking chaufeur by surprise with a very Big smile


" Your Tail."


I looked behind me, and true to his word, my tail was not tucked into my pants as it was supposed to be, behind my left leg. I Chuckled and smiled at him Again. 

" Thank You!"

" Of course Miss"

As we pulled up to the school, I couldn't hold back the gasp.

" It's so...  big."

My chauffeur then tapped me on the shoulder.

" Miss, your father asked me to remind you that you are enrolled here as a male student, and to act as such. Also to try and find a club to join. I will be back here at Five."

" Thank You" I say, collecting myself and putting on my "Mask"

You are a Guy. you are cool, and calm, and quiet. You ar-

My thoughts were interupted by a small stampede of girls running and squeling towards another Limo.  I glanced over and couldn't help but smile when I saw Honey and Mori step out. I wasn't surprised in the least that they were popular. I kept smiling, though it had turned into a bit of a smirk, until I caught Mori's eye. I knew I had to stop then, so I turned and walked away quickly, and walked into the main building.

Making My way to the main office was fairly easy, if not confusing. 

How many halls does this school have?

making my way to the first desk in the room, I found a polite lady, looking at me questioningly.

" Erm, Hi. I'm Usagi, The new student." 

I waved at her, a little awkwardly, and looked down while shuffling my feet. 

" Oh! okay! You are in class.... 1A I think.."

she typed a bit, and the printer in the corner started up.

" Your schedule and a map should be over there. Anything else dear?"

I walked over and took the papers

" Nothing else. Thank you!" 

And off I went to class. 


I arrived about ten minutes late, So I waited a moment to knock on the door. When I finally did, The teacher came to open the door. Deciding to stick to A cool personality, I looked her in the eye

" I'm Sorry Teacher, that I'm late. It's my first day, and I got lost on the way to the office. May I come in?" I asked confidently. 

" Yes of course! please introduce yourself to the class." She turned around and spoke to the whole class. " Class! Today we have a new student joining us"

I stood at the head of the room, and glanced around a bit. There were a lot of boys and girls justlooking at me, bored, but expectant. A few girls looked at me in a weird way, and were whispering. I sentr a wink at one and she squealed. THe group that caught my attention though, were two ginger twins that were poking an annoyed looking boy. THey paid me no attention.

" Hello, I'm Usagi. I will be joining you for the rest of the year"

I then asked the teacher where to sit.

" Over there, behind Haruhi. Haruhi will you please raise your hand?"

The annoyed looking boy from earlier raised his hand, and rolled his eyes when the twins gave him confused looks. I just sat in the desk behind him. and they looked at me, eerily in synch, and scooted their desks closer.

" Look Kaoru A new toy" Said one

" Oh good! Wonder, whats his name?" said the other, who I assumed was Kaoru.

Today was going to be a long day.

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