Chapter Three

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-- Takashi's POV--


I know he told me to run, to leave, but I had to know. I had to know why he was being tracked, and why he was running away. I couldn't help to wonder whether or not he was actually a boy or not, he seemed rather feminine, like Haruhi. After following him for a bit though, he suddenly straightened up, as though hearing something. seconds later, I heard it too. 

Footsteps, at least 20 pairs, came closer and closer, until the people to whom they belonged surrounded Usagi. Now I was able to count them, and there were fifty. All had large guns, and bulletproof clothing, as though preparing for a battle.

All for that small boy?

Mitsukuni started to wake up. He would be a bit surprised, so I snuck into another nearby alley, while he yawned and stretched. 

"Where are we Takashi?"

I gave a very quiet and stern "Shh" and motioned behind me, where we then crept to. Mitsukuni gasped, surprised to see the men surrounding Usagi, and upon hearing what the man with a mega phone said, he got angry.

" Takashi! we have to help him! they're going to hurt Usagi!"

I understood how he felt, I wanted to help too, but I couldn't risk myself and Mitsukuni for a stranger, so I held out my arm to stop him.

"No Mitsukuni, what if he's a criminal?'

He shook his head. 

" He's not, I can tell. He was so nice, and said that he was kept on that terrible diet. what if he's being held captive?"

Tears prickled his eyes, and he started to sniffle.  He knew my weakness. I gave in.

" We will follow the truck, and see were they are taking him. I fit is not a prison we will try to find a way to get him out, okay?"

Mitsukuni Smiled, very wide, and we hid in the shadows, very aware that we can easily get caught, and kidnapped too. Then I overheard a conversation, that confused me. I stood perfectly still.

" I don't know why the boss keeps tracking and re-capturing her. all she does is cause trouble, and its not like he doesn't have others that he can experiment on."

" Yeah he's wasting his time. All she does is run away, get caught, wait a week or two, and try it again, I say we let her go next time.."  

At this point they were out of hearing range, and I growled softly

She. Usagi is a she, and she is being held captive.

The words that they used to talk about her confused me, and floated around in my head. 

Re-capturing  she's done this before

Others  there are more people who these people keep captive

Experiment She is being used as a science dummy, a rat in a maze.

Why is She so Important?

When I heard the truck engin, I tugged Mitsukuni, who looked very determined.

" Let's go save her Takashi"

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