Chapter Thirteen

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-- A/N --

Hello! I'm really excited for this part, since it'll reveal a few things. Not too many though. 

-- Usagi POV --

I ran around to their side of the building, but right before I got there I realised that my tail was out. 

darn thing

I quickly tucked it into my pants, and continued on, finally turning the corner, and waving at the two idiots who were at  my window. 

" Come over here, we'll go into the woods"

They quickly catch up to me, and we walk in silence for a few moments, all of us taking in the scenery. at one point I saw a rabbit, and I motioned for them to stay where they were. I chased it for a few minutes, but finally caught up and launched myself at it.  I grabbed it by the scruff and carried it back to where they were.

Both boys looked horrified at first, but when i held it up for them to see, they calmed down. 

" I didn't kill it, I just thought you may enjoy seeing it."

I handed the small grey rodent to honey, who held it gingerly and rocked it slightly. After a while he handed the rabbit to Mori. It was weird though, he got this strangely serious look in his eye, and his smile slipped away.

"Usagi, Why weren't you in school today?"

I stopped. I couldn't tell him the truth, but I couldn't lie either. 

" Usagi"

Mori spoke too, and I looked up at him in surprise. He had apparently let the bunny go.

" I, uhm.." I rubbed the back of my neck, and looked down, a little embarassed 

" I was sorta attacked by a wolf out here and I broke my wrist so the doctor had me stay home for a day. thats where my scratches came from too."

I spoke as fast as possible, hoping that the words will completely mash together and create something else. I felt terrible for twisting the truth, even if it wasn't that much. I looked up at the two, who seemed pleased with my answer. Honey was smiling again.

" Okay Usagi! We were just worried about you, right takashi?"

" Ah" 

we continued on for a bit. but then a certain smell came over me like waves. It was a bit overwhelming, and completely unmistakeable. 

It was smoke, and not just any smoke.

The kind that came from a gun.

I imeedietly ducked down, and pulled the two with me. They looked extremely confused, so I pointed at a tree that was right behind us. Right as I pointed a bullet shot throught the air, landing right where Mori's head would be. 

" Sh " I whispered, and turned around, looking anfd listening everywhere. It seemed as though the other two were doing the same.  I could find three men, and one woman. They were not my father's employees, and were trying to spy on him, possibly kidnap an experiment or two. They had seen us and thought we were his workers, and are circling us now.

" We are going to surrender for now, okay?" I whisper to Honey and Mori, who seemed to hhave figured out that we were surrounded. 

I stood up first, hands up,  then they did.

" Who are you? State your business here" I almost yelled, trying to make sure I reached all of them.

" That does not matter. It's only me." The Woman stepped out, obviously the one who had shot at us. 

" That;'s extremely couragous of you, but you are lying. Are you a hunter? that looks like a hunting gun."

She looked a little surprised, but not too much.

"No, we are not hunters, are you? you don't seem like the type who would be on this property. We may have to take you if not." She smirked, as her three comrades stepped out from around us.

" We're not hunters either, though I'm the only one familiar with the property."

I knew that she could be either here to save, or here to steal. I've dealt with both before, Just never with the sake of other people to think about. 

" I found these two in the woods, they'd gotten lost." I decided to pretend I didn't know them, since it was safer for them.  " I was actually just guiding them back."

The main road was near by, and I could send them there. they could get a ride from their chauffeur, while I handled these guys the way I always did. 

" I see. Could you guide them to where you were, then meet us back here?" She was smirking again, which I answered with my own. She immedietly noticed my slightly larger and sharper than usual  canines, and smiled even more.

" Of course, allow me fifteen minutes, if you will."

I walked off, with the boys following silently behind me.  Honey had this dark look on again, and Mori had his usual expression. After A few minutes I spoke.

" I'm very sorry I couldn't help you more. And that you had to experience this. I'll bring you to the main road, and you'll have to call a car. Is that alright?"

Honey looked at me confused, and talked a little quieter than usual

" Alright Usagi, just be careful."

We continued to walk, until we finally reached the last few trees. I left them there, after telling them about where we were. 

now to deal with that woman. 


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed it! the next chapter will be pretty fun, at least I hope so. hopefullly this was fun too. I also might not be updating as much, or more than usual in the next couple of weeks, it depends on my mood. I have a lot of extremely stressful tests coming up, and I'll either write a ton, or Write nothing. I'm very sorry if it's the latter, but I'll try my best! See ya!

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