Chapter Eight

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-- A/N --

Ok so I know that it's a little early on in this book to start a contest type thing, but I really need some more characters, and I'm crap at making them. So I'm gonna do a contest! yay! It is going to go like this: I need two or three characters so the three people who vote and comment the most. ( and you can't just like comment A then B then C THen D, thats cheating.) will get to either create me a character, and send it to me somehow, or tell me about themselves and I'll make the into a character. If nobody participates then I'm screwed, and will probably make some pretty gray characters, if you know what I mean. NOw, Once you make them I may change them a bit, for their roles, but other than that It's yours to do ( If you win) Good Luck! I'll Get to the story now.

* Usagi's POV *

Lunch was amazing. At least at first. There was so much food, that I had never heard of, and never tasted. The only thing that I stayed away from was chocolate, but that was only because It might be deadly to me. We're not sure yet. The food was so amazing, I almost forgot the twins, who had decided to sit next to me were there. Almost.

" Wow Hikaru look how much he got" Kaoru said from my left.

" Yeah you'd think he's never seen any food other than beef and potatoes before this, since that's the only thing he didn't get" answered HIkaru. 

I sunk a little lower in my seat at this, wanting to be as tiny as possible, and looked down at my plate.

" Wait. something else is missing. " Kaoru said triumphantly.

uh oh, this Can't be good.

" Yes! he doesn't have any chocolate whatsoever!" Hikaru practically shouted, causing all of the tables that were near to us to stare. 

crap. crapcrapcrapcrapcrap.

I Looked down and mumbled at my sushi, which was very delicious, if you were wondering. 

" What was that?" the twins asked, in synch.

" I'm allergic." I said glaring at them. 

Someone screamed. A few people fainted. The twins looked almost to tears, and a small dirty blonde appeared out of no where. 

Wait. I know him.

Is that why you never eat anything sweet usagi?" He came to me crying. 

" Uhm. Yes?" I sure wasn't going to tell him that I was on a very specific diet made specially for me because I'm part wolf. That would end badly...

" HE wailed out in pain, and before he could fall over Mori was there to grab him.

Right as this was happening, in the general chaos that had been caused by my confession, Haruhi walked in, looked around, and made eye contact with me. I shrugged at him not knowing what to do, and mouthed 'save yourself'. He turned around and Hightailed out of there. I don't blame him. Right then the clock chimed, signalling the restart of class. I rushed to my seat, and took the notes that were given to us. soon enough, class was over, and I was ready to find a club. 

I decided the best place to ask was someone that wouldn't push me too hard to join their club, so I asked Haruhi.

" Eh, Haruhi?" I asked, pokinh his shoulder.

" Yeah?" He looked back at me, a bit confused.

" Well," I replied, rubbing the back of my neck, " I was wondering if you knew of any clubs that I could join, since I'm, You know, new."

His eyes widened in shock, and he pulled me into a corner. 

" Shhhh" He said, looking around nervously. " don't talk about clubs in the open or the twins wil-" Jus then two redheads leaned right into my line of vision.

" So Usagi, you want join a club?"

It's still creepy how they talk together.

Haruhi hung his head in defeat, and groaned. This could not be good.

" Erhm, Yeah?" 

I shrugged, and looked at their mischevious grins worriedly.

" Let's Go Then!"

I was suddenly lifted off the ground at a Alarming rate, and dragged down a few halls, and up some stairs, until We stopped in front of a door. 

" Music room three? I highly doubt that these twins are in a music club" I muttered to myslef.

Then the twins shoved the door open and literally  threw me in. I could feel my hat coming off, so I quickly held on to it, as I ran head first into something rock hard. I looked up to see I had head-but a.. a throne?

" Oww" I groaned holding my head and sitting up. I looked up to see seven heads above mine.

Two of them, the ginger devils, were laughing very hard. then next to them was Mori, with Honey on his back. On their other side was a Boy with black glasses and black hair, who looked at me with cold calculating eyes.  To his left was a energetic looking blonde, with violet eyes, And last but not least, Haruhi looked over my head, the only one who seemed slightly concerned, or annoyed. 

" What the Hell?"

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