Chapter 23 - Lost

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"Okay who has good road trip songs?" Tan asks as he gets his phone out
"Oh-" Street says before everyone cuts him off
"No!" Everyone shouts
"Noted" Street mutters
"I've got one!" Maddison says as she steals the Aux
Maddison starts to play Life is a highway but the remix version
"Hell yeah!" Luca says as he turns up the song
"We won't hesitate to break down the garden gate! But there's not much time left today! Yeah!" Luca sings
"Life is a highway! I wanna ride it all night long! If your going my way! Well I wanna drive it all night long!" Maddison sings
"Jeez! The Luca siblings can sing!" Chris says as she smiles
It's a couple of hours later and Maddison has just woken up. They should be in Memphis by now but they're still in the middle of no where
"Huh?" Maddison says as she turns to see Luca fast asleep next to her
She looks at the drivers seat to see street
"Street!" Maddison shouts
"Jesus!" Street says as he jumps
"Your gonna need Jesus in a sec if you don't tell me why the hell we aren't in Memphis yet!" Maddison yells
"What's going on?" Chris asks groggily
"Yeah what's with all the shouting?" Luca asks as he rubs his eyes
"Who let street drive?" Maddison asks as Luca looks at tan
"Wake your ass up!" Maddison shouts as she smacks tans head
"What!" Tan says as he jerks awake
"Why did you let the 5 year old drive?" Maddison asks
"I was tired okay! And I thought it would shut him up for an hour or too!" Tan explains
"Now I see why Luca doesn't let street drive black Betty" Chris says as she smirks
"Uhh sorry to interrupt but I have absolutely no clue where we are!" Street says enthusiastically as everyone shoots him a look
"Just pull over" Luca suggests as street pulls over
Everyone gets out and Maddison pulls out her phone
"Ugh no signal!" Maddison says as she try's to get a signal
"What are we gonna do?" Chris asks
"We have no food or water or I suggest we figure out a plan now!" Tan says as they all turn to Maddison
"What?" Maddison asks
"You do this everyday don't you?" Tan says
"Yeah! You get people out of these kinds of situations!" Street says
"I'm the PIC! I save people when their dying! That's Casey and Kelly's job!" Maddison says as she sits down on the grass
"Can't you call them?" Street asks as Maddison looks at him with pure anger in her eyes
"I would! But I have no god damn signal! And if you hadn't gotten us into this mess in the first place then I wouldn't have to call them!" Maddison yells
"Noted!" Street says as he puts his hands up
It's an hour later and no one has come up with an idea yet. Tan is starving. Chris is thirsty. Luca is bored. Chris is laying on the grass and Maddison is pacing up and down. Then street is just being street.
"Hey guys look!" Street shouts as he points at a car rolling up
Street stops the car
"Hey bud! Can you help us?" Street asks enthusiastically
Inside the car is a man. He doesn't look the nicest
"What's up?" The man asks dully
"Can you give us directions to Memphis?" Street asks as the rest of the guys get up
"What do you have to offer?" The man asks
"Uh nothing?" Street replies
"Well I guess I'm no help!" The man shouts as he pulls out a gun....

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