Chapter 53 - Were not cut out for that!

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It's after shift and Taylor is walking to his car along with Maddison. They are halfway home when Maddison turns to Taylor
"You've been awfully quiet, what's up?" Maddison asks as she smiles
"Nothing, just work that's all" Taylor explains as he turns into their apartment complex
"You can't play that card, I work in the same place as you" Maddison adds as she gets out the car
"Mads leave it please" Taylor adds as they start to walk up the stairs
"Come on Taylor, I'm here for a reason!" Maddison adds as they walk into their apartment
"I want a kid" Taylor mutters
"What?!" Maddison asks
"Come on! We're ready! You loved looking after Louie today!" Taylor adds as he smiles
"That doesn't mean I'm ready to be a mom yet!" Maddison argues
"I'm ready!" Taylor mutters
"Good for you but I'm not Taylor! I'm not willing to loose my place as PIC right now!" Maddison yells
"You were the one who said that you wanted kids! Come on mads! Time is running out!" Taylor yells
"I'm not doing this right now!" Maddison yells before grabbing her keys
"Where are you going?" Taylor sighs
"You may be my husband but you don't own me Taylor" Maddison adds before walking out the door
"Maddison!" Taylor yells but she's already gone
Maddison gets in her car, she knows that Dawson put this idea into his head. So she heads to Chris's. She arrives a short time later and let's herself in. She walks in to see Chris and street having dinner
"Get lost pretty boy" Maddison says as she drops her bag on the couch
"Huh?" Street asks
"Get your ass off that seat before I do something I'm gonna regret" Maddison yells as she grabs a bottle of vodka
"Copy that" Street says before getting up and walking out
"What's up?" Chris asks as Maddison takes a swig of her drink
"He wants a kid" Maddison laughs
"What?" Chris asks
"He wants to do the whole happy family thing and watch me get fat for 9 months then continue to watch me push a human out of me" Maddison says as she takes another swig
"But I thought you've always wanted to be a mom?" Chris suggests
"Ugh I dunno, ever since I started at 51 it's kinda disappeared" Maddison says as she slumps in her chair
"What's disappeared?" Chris asks
"The whole desire to be a mom, I just don't think it's that special any more" Maddison explained
"But Taylor's ready to be a dad?" Chris asks
"I guess so! I really don't know. I just need to finish this whole bottle and avoid going home tonight" Maddison explained looking at the vodka bottle on the table
"That's why I'm here" Chris laughs

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