Chapter 57 - Plane Crash

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It's the next morning and it's safe to say Luca has wrapped his head around the whole pregnancy thing. Maddison stayed the night with Chris
"Taylor flies in today, what the hell am I meant to do!?" Maddison asks
"Tell him, remember that big argument you both got into?" Chris adds
"I just don't know how he'll take it" Maddison sighs as there is a knock at the door
Chris walks over and opens the door to reveal Taylor
"Taylor?" Maddison asks
"Hey" He adds as he kisses her
"Your here early" Maddison says
"Yeah my flight left early, now go get ready. I'll take you out for breakfast" He adds
"Yeah okay" Maddison says as she runs to get changed
It's around lunchtime and Taylor and Maddison are sitting in a park when their phones go off
"An earthquake in Chicago?!" Taylor says
"I guess we've gotta fly home?" Maddison asks
"Yeah, let's go!" Taylor says as he gets up
An hour later Maddison and Taylor have managed to get on a last minute flight. They are 30 minutes into their journey when the plane starts to shake.
"Taylor?" Maddison asks as she grips his hand
"Hey it's okay, probably just turbulence" Taylor smiles
"Do we have a doctor on the plane?!" The flight attendant yells
However no one raises their hand
"I'm a paramedic?" Maddison adds
"Please! Our captains sick!" The flight attendant yells as Maddison gets up
She runs to the top of the plane, she discovers that the pilot is violent and won't let anyone near him.
"Sir? Can you tell me what's wrong?" Maddison asks
"Shut the fuck up!" The pilot yells
"He's drunk" Maddison discovers
"The engines failing!" The co - Pilot yells
"What?" Maddison asks
Maddison turns to run back to Taylor, she makes eye contact with him before the plane starts to go down. The plans crashes in woods in the middle of no where. Maddison is knocked out with a tiny gash to her leg. She wakes up and registers where she is
"Taylor?" She yells as she gets up
The pain from her leg shoots up her whole body. She looks around to see that Taylor was ejected from the plane. She limps over
"Taylor!" She yells as she shakes him
But Taylor doesn't wake up
"Come on Taylor!!" Maddison yells as she shakes him harder
Taylor jerks awake
"Thank god" Maddison sighs
"Your leg" Taylor says as he sits up
"It's fine, it's just a little scratch" Maddison brushes off
"What if it's not?!" Taylor adds
"Hey! Who's the paramedic?" Maddison smiles
"Where's that paramedic! I need help!" A man yells
"No! I need her! My daughters dying!" A woman yells
"Someone help! My husbands stuck under a wing!" A woman yells
"Are we really doing this?" Maddison asks
"I guess so, break a leg" Taylor smiles before running over to the man trapped under a wing
Maddison takes a breath before running over to the sick daughter...

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