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"Where were you?" Riddhima gasped as she turned around to find him sitting on the couch as if the home belongs to him.

"What are you doing here?" She was angry but she controlled her voice because she knew nothing good would ever come out by provoking the beast.

He ignored her question as if she did not say anything and countered as he stood from the couch and started walking towards her 

"Did you go to meet him?". His voice was calm but it sent chills down her spine.

He was angry she could see it in his eyes. She was scared did he know? If yes what will he do? she tried to compose herself and said 'I.." she took two steps back as she realized he stood too close for her comfort and then answered, "I went for a walk.."

"Isn't it a bit late for a walk? I didn't know you were so health-conscious that you take night walk as well, I would have accompanied you, don't worry here on I will be with you for a walk" he mocked.

Riddhima's eyes went wide and she quickly iterated "no need, I can manage, and anyway I don't go for a walk daily, it's just once in a while".

He sent a bone-chilling smile her way as he said "If I didn't know any better I would think you are lying and you know I hate lies Riddhima especially if they are from someone as sweet as you. Now I will ask again "did you go to meet him?"

Her eyes flared suddenly who was he to question her he has no right but she was not going to speak her mind just yet all she wanted was for him to leave her the hell alone but it seems impossible till now.

He observed her, she was glaring at the floor he could practically see she was dying to tell him off. He enjoyed her petty rebels. He frowned whenever he went near her, she created distance between them and he did not like it one bit. Her silence was answer enough for him and he knew for a fact that she went to meet him, He saw them together in an Ice cream shop, he was sitting in a car looking at them from a distance, he was just waiting for her to confess. She didn't know yet at what lengths he could go when it comes to her. She will be horrified if she learns already what all he has done. 

"I don't share the things that belong to me, and You Belong to Me, don't forget that Riddhima" he added in a dangerously calm voice.

She looked at him, he smiled subtly waiting for her protest which he knew was sure to come. "I...I don't belong to you" she replied softly.

He suddenly grabbed her by her waist and pulled her impossibly close "I didn't catch that can you please repeat that Sweetheart?"

She looked into his eyes but kept mum she was scared no doubt after all he was the person who does not think twice before killing anyone. 

Once again she cursed herself, him, and the day when she met this Devil, "The Vansh Rai Singhania".

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