Chapter 57

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"Love is lot like toothache.
It doesn't show up on X-rays,
But you know it's there."

Riddhima stood beneath the soothing cascade of water, her mind racing as she hurriedly tried to complete her bath. She knew all too well that Vansh had a tendency to burst into the room with unpredictable and often outlandish requests.

Today, once again, she glimpsed the old Vansh—the Vansh who used to send shivers down her spine. It wasn't that she had witnessed dramatic transformations in him over the past few days, but lately, he had embodied the quintessential image of the perfect boyfriend, or rather, as he insisted, fiancé. "Boyfriend is a demotion compared to fiancé, Riddhima," he'd remind her, a hint of pride in his voice. "I am your fiancé, and I'd prefer if you recognized me as such, or even 'would-be husband' is acceptable, but 'boyfriend' falls short." His words often carried a sense of authority, a reminder of his dominant presence in her life.

He had been remarkably caring, opening up about his past, making a conscious effort to rein in his tendency to shower her with extravagant gifts, and softening his once-controlling nature. Vansh was making genuine strides toward becoming a more understanding person, and Riddhima couldn't help but appreciate his efforts.

Even when it came to Sejal's situation, she was taken aback when he allowed her to stay without a hint of protest. She knew he harbored anger toward Sejal after the stunt she had pulled, and Riddhima couldn't fault him for that. Yet, his response had given her a heartwarming sensation, and she cherished the moment when he confessed, "As long as you are here with me, I am fine with it. I told you, Riddhima, this is your home. You have equal rights to make decisions; you don't have to ask for my permission."

Everything had been going so smoothly, and then Kabir had reemerged into their lives. If they weren't surrounded by a crowd of people, she would have undoubtedly confronted Kabir. Why her, she wondered? She was certain that Vansh, in his own way, would have dealt with Kabir in much more severe ways.

Riddhima had hoped that Vansh would let it slide, especially since Kabir had seemingly moved on. She was convinced that whatever Kabir's presence meant, it was nothing significant. However, her hopeful assumptions came crashing down when she saw Vansh's expression at today's party. The look on his face had told her that this unexpected reunion with Kabir had stirred something

With a sense of longing, Riddhima gazed at the exquisite anarkali dress that was destined to be destroyed. It was a painful reminder of what Vansh had done the last time Kabir had dared to lay a hand on her.

And so, here she was, taking a midnight bath and changing into fresh clothes, hoping to avoid Vansh's wrath. She swallowed hard as anxiety gnawed at her.

Her thoughts drifted back to how it had all come to this...

-----One week ago-----

After that horrifying incident, Riddhima had secluded herself in her room at VR Mansion for a grueling two days. She refused to communicate with anyone, not even Nia and Sahil, who had called her repeatedly, desperate to understand what had transpired. But she couldn't find the words to share the painful truth with them.

Vansh had assured her that this distressing incident would remain confidential, but Riddhima battled with a whirlwind of emotions—shame, embarrassment, anger, fear, and sadness. The only visitors she allowed were Vansh and Mrs. D'Souza, who brought her meals, while the rest of the world stayed at bay.

It was only when Nia threatened to create a scene at VR Mansion that Riddhima finally gave in, providing them with a brief account of the ordeal. They wanted to visit her, but she wasn't ready for that yet. After some persuasion, Nia reluctantly agreed to give her the space she needed.

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