Chapter 39

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"Strength is what we gain from the MADNESS we SURVIVE"

Her eyes were glued to the TV screen. Business tycoon Mahesh Agarwal and his wife were taken into custody by the police. They were going to face the inquiry due to their children who were on the run for murder... The murder of the same men who kidnapped her. Motive unknown.

'That means they were responsible for her kidnapping. She sat down stunned. But why? Ishani? Did she hate her that much to orchestrate something like this? Why would she want to endanger the life of a man who is supposed to be her unborn child's father? Or does she have no idea that her friends planned this? The girl had mentioned was Ragini who had hit her. She vaguely remembered Ishani introducing her as Vansh's fiance. But that turned out to be a lie right?'

She saw Ishani a while back when she went to apologize to Sia. Ishani did not look troubled by the news. If anything she was discussing the matter with Aryan rather gleefully. At least the men paid for the wrong they did...though she could not understand one thing why would Sunny and Ragini kill people who helped them? Maybe because the police got to know about them? But then why kill them in the middle of the street where any passerby could have seen them? Things were not adding up. 

2 people could answer her queries but right now she would do anything to stay away from was Kabir who is already working on this case. She was sure Vansh will definitely do something drastic if she tried to contact Kabir plus she was miffed at him despite her protest he still continued to work on this case. What was he trying to prove? and second, was Vansh...him...she was yet to face him after last night's episode and didn't wish to face him anytime soon. What he did...she felt her face reddened as she recalled what all he did with her...god she had never been intimate with any man heck she never even hugged a guy except Sahil and she considered him as her brother...

Vansh...he practically assaulted her, but his touch was welcome, it was not repulsive...she was scared of her own reaction, would she have let him do that?...No, she needs to stay away from him...After a few days, she will resume her job, which will give her much-needed distance from him

'And what do you plan to do after marriage?' her subconscious mocked her

'No, she will not marry him. She will stop this anyhow' she replied back

'Yes, because your previous attempts were so successful' taunt was thrown at her face 'better yet accept the inevitable'

'Never! She will make him realize...they were not meant to be. If anything she will make sure he despised her...she will make him hate her' She determined ignoring any other thoughts...


Vansh twirled the paperweight as he listened to one of the Directors of his company drone on and on about the solar energy project. 

His presence was not needed. Aangre with a few other competent team members could have managed it. He should be home, spending time with Riddhima. Last night was marvelous, her smell was addictive. She was his addiction. Even though she resisted him last night he knew her protests were half-hearted. There was a moment when instead of trying to push him away her fingers curled in his hair and she pulled him close. Her toes curled. God he so wanted to continue what he started, and she would not have stopped him, He was that confident about his seduction skills but he knew she was not ready, and even though he did not care for societal norms and traditions, because for him she was already his and he never planned to let her leave. But she did. She believes in marriage and stuff and he was willing to give her anything and everything. If something is important to her then he will do it.

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