Chapter 18

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Unless it is Mad, Passionate, Extraordinary Love It is a waste of time. 

There are too many mediocre things in life. Love should not be one of them."

He took her cardigan off. The water is already running. The water is cascading down her long hair all over her body. She looked at him with those innocent eyes of hers. 'God she is so beautiful!' He thought.

"Vansh..." she whispered and took a step back.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. He kept kissing her neck. Caressing every inch of her body. He kissed her on the lips. Both were breathing heavily when they broke apart. Her cheeks have a rosy glow and pinkish hue, her lips were swollen.

"You are mine Riddhima" he was territorial about what belonged to him. She belonged to him and she should know that. He picked her up and once again started to devour her lips. Her arms wrapped around his neck. He was hard, he was sure she could feel him. He sucked her bottom lip and a moan escaped from her. That was his undoing.

He opened his eyes as he saw his arousal showering down. "F**k!" he cursed, that was the fastest release he ever had, if only it had been a reality. He will make sure this will become a reality one day he swore to himself. He desired her in a way he never desired anything before. He dried himself off as he thought about the little nymphet sleeping in his bed. 'His bed' thought alone gave him immense pleasure.


He climbed on the bed and stared at her. She wore a long woolen cardigan over her top and jeans. He picked her up gently and removed the jacket. She will not need that now when he is here to warm her up. He was delighted to see her in a thin-strapped top. His eyes darkened as he looked at her.

He cannot resist much longer; he needed a taste. Hovering over her he pecked her forehead, then cheeks, her little nose, neck. Her skin was soft just like he had imagined. He stared at her lips longingly. Groaning he kept his forehead against her. "What are you doing to me?" he murmured. With huge efforts, he stepped away from her but quickly bent down to peck her lips and hurried off to the bathroom once again for a much-needed cold shower...


"If you need any help, know that I am here. But do not mess up this project Aryan. I don't know why Vansh gave you such a big project when you have never handled a single project in this company" His father was once again lecturing him

"Maybe because he thinks I am capable enough. You can trust your son once in a while you know." Replied an irritated Aryan.

"Capable enough!" Rudra gave a hollow laugh "You think you are? Come down from your high horse. Vansh never does something without motive, there must be something he has planned." snapped Rudra

Though Aryan knew that it is true, he knew Vansh had some motive and even had a vague inkling of what this was about. He was not going to admit that his father was right.

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