A New Woman

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2 years later

These four hours really seemed like ten. I didn't sleep well. Couldn't since I knew what to expect when I arrived at my cousin's house. It's been seven years since I've seen him. I don't know what it's done to him. I don't know how he'll react to me being back. I, for one, don't want him to try to come and see me. We didn't end on a good note. Even if we had, I still wouldn't want him to know anything about my life.

"Are you almost here?" Melinda asked.

"Yeah," I muttered. "Maybe just a few minutes out. Is Roberto there?"

"...No. Do you not want him here? I could tell him to keep his distance."

"No, you don't have to. I just...I wanted to be ready if he happened to be. How have you and Renée been?"

"Good. Renée's been home for two weeks now. She's still having nightmares about college."

"What'd she go for again?" I asked.

"She's pushing for a music career. Studying abroad is a lot for someone like her." Melinda sighed. "I can promise you she's changed. Maybe you guys can actually bond this time."

"Ugh, maybe. I won't count on it."

Our call ended just before the driver turned onto Melinda's road. I began cleaning up the backseat, throwing my trash into the small garbage can. The driver pulled around the cul-de-sac and did the same thing he did seven years ago. He grabbed my bags without question, but didn't check to see if I wanted to walk behind him.

I got out of the limo with caution, hoping Roberto wasn't waiting for me around any corner of the hedge. I had a weak heart. One that was too weak to be played with. When I saw that no one was waiting for me, I practically ran into the house. Melinda was waiting for me and must have mistaken me running in desperation to find her. I wasn't going to let her think otherwise.

"Dahling!" she exclaimed. "Gosh, you grew up to be so beautiful!"

"Lin," I whined. "You don't have to lie."

"We're cousins. Of course, we're going to have some sort of resemblance. If I'm beautiful, then you're definitely beautiful."

"...You're being way too nice." We laughed, pulling each other into a hug. "Where's Renée?"

"Upstairs. She just got back from an outing with Cameron. You remember me telling you about him?"

"Yeah. I still have that picture you sent me. She has taste and I hope it works out for her."

"I hope it does, too."

I pulled away from Melinda to look at my cousin on the stairs. She was clad in a pair of designer stockings, a mini skirt, and a crop top I'm sure I loaned to her when I was in a giving mood. I didn't like the fact that she was looking hotter than me, but she was my cousin. The one who seemed to want to make it up to me. It was better that I repaired my relationship with her. Maybe she'll agree with me that having Roberto around isn't such a good idea.

"Hi, Ruby," she greeted and joined her sister and I at the front door. "I see you've grown."

I couldn't say anything to her, so I just threw myself at her. Renée stiffened at the sudden contact, but I was relieved when she hugged me back. Melinda backed away and ran upstairs. I guess this was our time now. I was going to make the most of it.

"I missed you," I muttered into her shoulder. "I'm sorry for not trying to improve my relationship with you before I left. Forgive me."

"Don't worry about it, Ruby. I understand that everyone has their own life to live." Renée pushed me back at arm's length. "We can't argue that I miss you more than you miss me. I missed our fighting and I missed helping you get over...Roberto."

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