Part twenty-eight

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Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, please read the authors note at the end as it's very important! Thankyou! 


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By Rhiannon's side is where I have spent the last couple of days, praying and hoping that she would wake up and be okay. If I could have one wish in the world, it wouldn’t be for money, for any more fame or anything else; it would just be for Rhiannon to wake up, healthy and safe. I miss kissing her goodnight every evening, I miss holding her in my arms as we watched old school movies on the tv, I miss whispering words of comfort into her ear as she cried. But most of all, I miss having Rhiannon in my life. And in this short amount of time that she has been bound to this hospital bed, her life on the line, I have realised just how much I love her.

“Come on Zayn, you can’t stay here forever.” Louis said from the doorway. Not taking my eyes off Rhiannon, I shook my head. “No I’ll drive you to your flat if you like, to shower and get some clean clothes?” Louis asked. I looked up, to see him holding out his hand to me. I hesitated, what happens if she gets more ill when I go? Or something worse happens? As if Louis could read my mind, Louis looked at me with pity “Nothing’s going to happen in the hour we are away Zayn, come on.” He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me up. Reluctantly, I left the room, not before giving Rhiannon a kiss goodbye and promising that I would be back shortly. Once I had, I took a deep breath, before following Louis towards the door of the hospital. The others have been taking the back door out since Rhiannon has been ill, but, seeing as Louis had gotten a taxi to the hospital this morning, we had to get a ride from the front of the building home. “You ready?” Louis turned to me. I breathed out. “As I’ll ever be.” I sighed, before pushing the hospital door open.

As soon as we stepped out of the building, I was almost blinded with the amount of camera flashes I was faced with, as the paparazzi went wild as they got a glimpse of me for the first time since Rhiannon's accident and what Chris had done. Despite the large amount of security men protecting me as much as they could, many cameras and microphones were shoved in my face as I was asked a countless amount of questions on the incident.

Trying to ignore them, I battled my way through the crowd, assuring Louis that I was okay every now and again. Eventually, we reached the car which I was virtually pushed into, before Louis joined me, slamming the door behind him. I exhaled; not having noticed that I had been holding my breath in the first place. “You okay mate?” Louis asked, out of breath himself. I nodded. “Yeah.” I simply stated.

The rest of the drive home was silent; I spent the whole journey staring out the window, my mind filled with thoughts of Rhiannon, Chris and the hospital as I over-thought every tiny detail. What would have happened if we had of decided to eat a different meal? Or if I had of given her a lift? Would our baby still be alive? Would Rhiannon’s life be hanging on a thread? Tons of questions were circling my mind as we turned onto another slip road. I began massaging my temples, trying to rid the thoughts out of my mind; however they only built up and became worse. My breathing became short and quick, and pains started rushing through my chest. In fright, I clutched the area in which pain was shooting through me, feeling the rushed beat of my heart as I did. I began to shake vigorously, a lump forming in my throat as silent tears streamed down my pale cheeks. It was then that Louis realised what was happening, and urgently tapped one of our security guards on the back. “I’m okay.” I choked out as I breathed even heavier than before. However, nobody seemed to listen to me as the car pulled over and my car door was flung open in an attempt to give me some ‘fresh air.’

Forever and Always // Zayn Malik fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now