Part twenty-three

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Hello! This chapter is dedicated ‘1DAntiSpoons’ for about 68474738 reasons. She’s like my internet bestie, and I co-own her account on twitter (@1DAntiSpoons) She also comments and votes for every chapter, and writes amazing imagines and fanfiction, they are really good and so you should read them!:) And actually, the main character in this book is based on her, so yeah:P go fan, read and vote for her!

Also, during this chapter, when I tell you to play ‘A team’ by Ed Sheeran, it makes it much better:D


*Rhiannon's POV*  

I parted my eyes slightly; groggy from tiredness, when I noticed I wasn't in my own room. For a second, I was confused, before all the dreaded memories of yesterday came flooding back.

As soon as they did, I felt my heart ache. All I wanted to do was go back to sleep, but I knew I would have to face the real world sooner or later, so why not now?

I didn't have any fresh clothes seeing as I left in quite a hurry yesterday, so I therefore slipped on the same clothes as yesterday and went over to the mirror. I looked in. My hair and makeup was a mess; my brown locks were sticking up in all directions, and my makeup had run, revealing the red puffy eyes caused by my crying last night.

Luckily, even in my rush, I had brought my bag yesterday which contained my makeup, hairbrush, phone and any other necessities.

I wiped off the old makeup, replacing it with a new layer. Once I was done, I ran the brush through my hair, and side-braided it.

After I had, I didn't even bother looking into the mirror, knowing if I did I would just feel worse about myself. I quickly exited the room, and followed the smell of food coming from the kitchen.

When I went in, I found Harry by the stove, frying eggs and bacon, whilst Louis was sitting on one of the raised chairs at the breakfast table, reading a magazine of some sort. They were both topless; however both had some jogging bottoms on, most probably for my sake.

As soon as they noticed my presence, Harry turned around, flashing me a smile and a 'morning' before turning back to his cooking.

I crept up behind Louis, seeing as he hadn't yet noticed me as he was so interested in what he was reading. I tapped him on the shoulder, and he jumped, spinning around and quickly slamming the magazine shut. I looked down at it in shock, and, noticing what I was looking at, he quickly turned it over so I could only see the back of the magazine. But it was too late. I had seen it.

"Turn that back over." I said slowly, as confidently as I could. "I don't think that's such a good-" He began, but I interrupted him. "I can just go out and face the paparazzi and buy it myself if you want!" I shouted, getting up from the seat I had sat on next to Louis.  

"No!" He objected quickly, before slowly handing it to me.

It was a heat magazine, and had Zayn and I as the headline story on the front cover. I took a deep breath as I quickly flicked onto the page, expecting to find a horrible report about our break up. But what I did find was much worse, making my heart shatter into a million tiny pieces.

"Latest one direction news- Zayn Malik and his girlfriend Rhiannon have broken up, a source claims. It is thought they broke up after Rhiannon cheated on Zayn with fellow band mate Louis Tomlinson, and he was seen taking her to his flat last night. Zayn has made no sighting since the incident, but last night a girl was seen going into his flat, only to leave a couple of hours later. That's all we have on the topic, but stay tuned to find out more on the story, or go onto our website for more info!"

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