Part twenty-one

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Hey guys, this chapter is dedicated to 'BritishBebz' She writes fanfiction which is really good, and deserves so many more reads! She also comments and votes for every chapter which is really sweet:') Go fan and vote for her!xx 


*Rhiannon’s POV*

It had been two months since America, and one direction have only gotten bigger and better. I think it’s safe to say that they are now a worldwide phenomenon.

As soon as we returned home from America, I moved in with Zayn. Thankfully nothing has been awkward between us, and not once have we even argued. I know we’ve only been dating for over two months, but I feel as if Zayn is the love of my life. And no matter how cliché this sounds, I honestly believe that he is ‘the one and only.’

Unfortunately I can’t say the same for Harry’s love life, in fact, his is the complete opposite. When we first got back to England, he just went home and shut everyone out. He wouldn’t answer his phone calls, texts, and didn’t go on the internet at all. When he had to, he would go out for the sake of the band, but apart from that he was basically a robot.

Unlike Harry, I had managed to keep in contact with Georgina. She’s now living in Manchester with an old friend until she can find somewhere elsewhere. She has made the decision to keep the baby, but still thinks its better she stays away from Harry. I have tried to convince her otherwise, but she is determined to ‘give Harry the chance to meet someone new.’

Harry is slightly better than before, but somehow he is lacking something. He no longer has the shine in his eyes he had when someone even mentioned her. It’s like he’s a different person, and I know it breaks the boy’s hearts to see him like this, especially Louis. I sighed at the thought, and finished off making the waffles that I was toasting for Zayn and I.

I turned around and brought them over to the table, before going over to the cutlery drawer to get us a knife and fork. As I took them out, I felt Zayn’s head resting on the crook of my neck and his arms wrapped firmly around my waist. I smirked to myself, as he started to delicately plant kisses up my neck.

“What’s planned for today?” I asked softly, turned round so I could face him.

“Well we have the day off, so, anything really.” He said, smiling at me.

I could tell that Zayn wouldn’t want to go anywhere- he had had such a hectic schedule lately, and so I made the mental decision to make sure he didn’t take me out.

“Hmm, we still have those movies we bought in America...” I said, grinning back at him.

He just smirked, and we went and ate the waffles. Once we were done, Zayn and I went into the living room, cuddling up on the sofa.

I don’t know how long we had been sitting there, but it was dark once we had finished the seventh movie.

As it ended, his lips pressed against mine, his tongue entering my mouth.  I felt him smirk into the kiss as if became more passionate, before he got up from the sofa, lifting me up so my legs were wrapped round his waist, and carried me upstairs into the bedroom. I began to fumble with his shirt, and he murmured “Are you sure you’re ready?” I nodded. “So sure.” 


“Morning beautiful.” Zayn said his voice husky, morning voice in full toll. I found myself blushing at his remark. “I wonder how someone can blush so much.” Zayn whispered, sending shivers down my spine. I stretched out in the bed, before resting my head against Zayn’s chest. We lay there for a few more minutes, his arms wrapped around my body securely, before the bedroom door burst upon and we both jumped in shock.

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