Part seventeen

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Hey, heres part 17, please vote, add to your library, share, fan and comment!

By the way, I recommend that you listen to 'skinny love' birdys version when it comes up in the chapter, it makes it 100 times better:-) 


I sat in my room, still raging at Georgina, when Birgitte came in. "Hey." She said, sitting next to me. "Hi." I replied, giving her a small smile. After a minute of silence, I spoke up "Shouldn't you be getting ready?" I asked her. "Speak for yourself." She replied. I frowned- she knew I had nothing to wear. I looked at her with a questioning look, and she took a bag from behind her back. "What is it?" I asked, still frowning. She smirked, and took out what was in the bag. She wouldn't let me look at it, but instead sent me into the bathroom to put it on. I did what I was told, and then exited the bathroom. As I did, Brigitte's mouth formed an 'o' shape. "You look amazing." She said.

I walked over to the large mirror on the wall, and looked at my reflection. I saw one of the most beautiful dresses that I have ever seen. It had no straps, the top filled with a pattern of sequins, whilst the skirt was ruffled and a peach colour.

"Lou said that it was a formal event; held in a ballroom, with dancing and stuff. I figured this would be perfect." She smiled at me. I couldn't help the large grin that formed on my face, as I bombarded her with 'thankyous' and hugs.

Just as Birgitte was about to leave the room, she turned around. "Yeah?" I asked, looking at her expectantly. "Georgina was wrong to do that. She was never like this before, but during the past month, well, it's like she's had a personality change." She said, before giving me a small smile and shutting the door behind her.


I was sitting backstage of the boy's concert, hair curled, make up applied, and had my dress and crème wedges I had bought with Zayn on. I could hear the distant sound of screams from the fans, and the bands singing.

It's a bit surreal really- sitting backstage at your boyfriends concert, which just happened to come third on x factor and have millions of fans around the world.

As I sat and listened to the boys reading out tweets from the fans, my mind drifted to Georgina and what Birgitte had said earlier.

What did she mean it was like she had had a personality change? And how can someone just go from lovely to bitch in a month? Nothing made sense. I gave myself a mental note to find out just what was going on with Georgina, and get to the bottom of her weird behaviour recently.

I heard loud screams and clapping from the stage, before Danielle popped her head into the dressing room. "We're leaving now, theres a car waiting outside to take us to the venue. Meet you there." She said, grinning. I nodded my head, and she dissapered from the doorway.

Sighing, I lifted myself up from the chair and left the dressing room, taking one last look at my outfit in the mirror before I did.

Saying I was a bit nervous was an understatement- I was worried sick. Obviously, I had never been to one of these dos before, and I would be one of the few people that weren't celebrities there. I also had a thick cast on my arm, which didn't exactly boost my self essteem.

As I stood by the exit of the building, I took a deep breath. Its now or never, I told myself, before pushing open the door and stepping out onto the concrete.

I looked up, to see a black limo parked outside. Zayn was standing by the door of the vehilcle, looking down at his phone.

As soon as I saw him, I felt weak at the knees. He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt, and had his hair styled in a perfect quiff. As I walked towards him, I guess he noticed my prescence, as he looked up at me.

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