Part twenty

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*Rhiannon’s POV*

I awoke to find myself wrapped in Zayn’s arms, the sunlight trickling into our room from the slated blinds. I lay there for a while, dwelling on the events of last night, and wondering what Georgina has decided to do. Around half an hour later I wanted to get up, and so lifted Zayn’s arms gently off me, trying not to wake him. “Urghh Rhi, come back, you’re nice and warm.” He groaned, his broad arms pulling me back into the position we lay in before. I squirmed in his arms, trying to wriggle out of his grip, but failing miserably. “Zaayn, please?” I said, turning to him, and doing my best attempt to flutter my eyelashes. He laughed, and I felt myself blush. “So?” I asked. “No.” He said simply, snuggling into me. I wasn’t really in the mood for games, and so managed to wriggle out of Zayn’s grip and walk into the bathroom.

We were leaving today, and so I would have to start packing. I jumped into the warm shower, letting the water envelope me body. I stayed in there for a few minutes, before getting out and wrapping a fresh towel around my body. Seeing as I had over a nine hour flight ahead of me, I had decided last night on wearing my comfortable but cute red knitted topshop jumper with leggings and my boots. I changed and cleaned my teeth, before packing up my last bits of toiletries and leaving the room.

When I went into the bedroom, Zayn was dressed in lose jeans and a white top with ‘obey’ printed on the front of it, and sitting on the bed, watching as searched the room for my brush. I quickly put my hair up in a bun, securing it with bobby pins and then getting to work on my makeup. “You don’t need that.” Zayn said from the bed. I didn’t even turn around “But I do.” I replied, a bit too harshly than planned, and not even bothering to turn around.  However seconds later, I feel broad arms wrapped around my waist, forcing me to turn around and face Zayn. “Zay-” He pressed his lips onto mine, so that I couldn’t say a word. I felt butterflies in my stomach, and felt a smile form on my lips, before I remembered the whole situation with Georgina, and it disappeared just as easily as it had appeared.

When Zayn noticed, he stepped away from me and looked at me as if he was analyzing my face. Frown lines creased his forehead, before he asked me. “What’s wrong babe.” I forced a fake smile on my lips, trying to reassure him that nothing was up. Usually, the smile worked, nobody saw through me. However when Zayn asked me again what was wrong, well, I was shocked to say the least. I looked down at my feet, but Zayn put two fingers on my jaw and lifted up my head. I looked into his eyes, and saw they were filled with worry.

“Rhiannon, please tell me, you’re scaring me.” He said, his piercing eyes looking straight into mine.

“I-I can’t. It’s not about me though, don’t worry.”

“Then what is it?” He asked me, looking confused.

“Promise you won’t tell?”

“I Promise.”

I took a deep breath, before slowly saying “Georgina’s pregnant.” He took a minute to analyze the information, before his face lit up. “Aw, that’s so sweet. They are so cute toget-” I cut him off. “That's not all Zayn, you see, the thing is...” I trailed off, trying to think of the best way to say it. “The thing is, it isn’t Harry’s baby.” I watched as Zayns grin vanished, his face filled with shock. “She-she cheated on him?” He asked. I sighed, and explained the whole story to Zayn. He seemed to understand, and breathed deeply. “Poor Harry, and poor Georgina. I can’t imagine what she has been going through.” I nodded, and he added. “Does Harry know?” I shrugged. “Not sure, but I guess it’s time to face the music.” I said, as we walked hand-in-hand to the living room, only to be shocked at what we saw.

The whole room was trashed- everything off the coffee tabled was now on the floor, pillows thrown everywhere. “What the-.” Zayn said, going over to the contents of the ruined objects and glasses that were now just tiny bits of glass scattered on the floor. As Zayn cleared the mess up, I noticed a scrunched up piece of paper on the sofa. I picked it up, and unscrewed it, reading the letter that lay before me. The ink was run due to someone’s tears, but I got the message alright- she was gone.

Forever and Always // Zayn Malik fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now