Part eighteen

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Hey guys, just want to warn you that in this chapter there is a scene that some readers may find disturbing, and so if you are younger than 12/13 I wouldn’t recommend reading. I just want to put this in now, if any of you are going through/doing what one of the characters do in this part, feel free to talk to me. I’ll be more than happy to talk.

Anyway, on a happier note, comment, vote, fan and enjoy!xxx


*Rhiannon’s POV*

I awoke to find myself wrapped in Zayns arms. I gently untangled his arms from around my body, assuring that I didn't wake him. I grabbed Zayns phone and squinted at the light, before rubbing my eyes and checking the time. 4am.

Sighing, I got up, and put on one of Zayns long t shirts. Seeing as I was much shorter than him, it covered my bum and came to my mid thigh. I was close with the boys and most of the girls, so I didn't really care if they saw me like this, and so I silently crept out the room and shut the door quietly behind me. As I tiptoed through the corridors of the part of the hotel that was allocated to us only, heading towards the kitchen, I heard a sound coming from the bathroom. Ignoring it, I carried on walking, before I heard it again. It sounded like... crying? I went up to the door of the bathroom, and pressed against the door. Yep, someone was definitely crying.

I tapped on the door with three fingers, not too loud that the others would hear, however loud enough. I heard the sobs calm down and stop. "Who is it?" Although it was just a whisper, I knew exactly who that voice belonged to. Georgina.

*Georgina’s POV*                                                                                                             

I sat on the floor of the bathroom, leaning against the large bathtub, letting the tears stream down my face.

I had tried to hide it, I really had. In public, I tried to act as normal as possible, although I found myself becoming more moody and horrible as time went on. However behind closed doors, I was an emotional wreck. I've messed up my whole life and most likely Harry's too. I'm such an idiot.

I couldn't sleep, just like the past few weeks, and so I came into the bathroom, just to check one more time. I knew it wouldn't be any different, but something inside of me made me believe that there was a chance that I wasn't. That the pregnancy tests had been wrong.

I did the test, and yet again, it was positive. I let myself drown in my tears, and shakily lifted up the nearest thing I could see. Harry’s razor.

I dug the blade into my wrist, watching as it broke the skin and second’s later blood seeped out of the fresh wounds. Looking at what I had just done, the tears escaped my eyes. I was a wreck.

I grabbed a white towel off the towel rack and wrapped it around my wrist, putting pressure on where the cuts were.

Then I just sat, and cried my heart out. I didn't know how long I had been sitting there, but I knew that it must be the middle of the night, and it was likely that everyone was asleep. That was good; I'd hate for anyone to see my like this.

Just at that moment, I heard a tap on the door. I froze. They knocked again, and I cleared my throat, trying to make it sound like I hadn't been crying, although they obviously knew I had been. I let out a small croak "Who is it?"

*Rhiannon’s POV* 

I didn't answer for a minute, processing the fact that it was Georgina. "It's Rhiannon." I whispered back. "Are you alright sweetheart?" I asked softly, in any attempt to comfort her from what she was so upset over.

The other side was silent, before I added. "Care to let me in." I waited for a minute or two, and, soon enough, I heard the click of the lock being released, and the door opening the tiniest. I slowly pushed open the door, and stood in shock at Georgina and the blood-covered towel pressed onto her arm. It took a minute to release what she had done, and as soon as I did, I was knelt down by her side, helping her wrap her arm in a bandage. Yes, it was that bad. Without asking any further questions, I calmed her down the best I could and led her into the lounge. I made us both a hot chocolate, and joined her down on the large sofa where she had calmed down, but was now staring into space.

She jumped when I sat on the sofa, and handed her the hot chocolate. She thanked me, and I watched her hands shake as she brought the mug to her mouth and sipped at the drink. We both sat there, not saying anything for a few minutes. “Whatever it is. Self harm isn’t the answer. I promise you that.” I said, interrupting the silence between us both. “I know. It’s just, everything got too much. I couldn’t deal with it anymore; I had to take my anger out on someone...” She said, trailing off. I looked into her eyes, and saw that they were filled with tears. I took her into my arms, and she graciously accepted.

Finally, she released herself from the hug, and gave me a thankful look. I smiled at her. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but it will feel better if you tell someone.” I said slowly, not knowing what her reaction would be. She paused for a second, as if she was debating on something. “I have no idea how you’ll react. But just listen to the full story.” She said, her voice already cracking. I nodded at her, giving her a reassuring smile. She looked down so she wouldn’t have to look my in the eyes, and fidgeted with the hem on her hoodie. “Rhiannon, I’m pregnant.” She said. I went to speak, before she took a deep breath. “...and the baby might not be Harry’s.”




I have had school lately, so the updates might not be so frequent, sorry, I’ll try my best to at least have one or two a week though!

Like I said earlier, feel free to talk to me if you do what Georgina does in this part. Remember that self harm is never the answer; I only put it in for purpose of the story. If you want to talk, about that or just have a chat, then do so I don’t biteeeeee.

Kik- zaynsflawless

Twitter- @zaynsflawless

Ask fm- zaynsflawless





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