Mood Swings

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Colton looked around the room to see if it missed him somewhere, but there was no sign of him. He began to grow worried that he may have gotten hurt or lost somewhere during the mission. The latter was more likely considering the enemies that they were facing. As their commander got back to the ship the door behind them closed that was when Colton got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He stood up, unconcerned for the small passenger in his suit. For the moment he was only concerned for his fellow soldier. "Where's Drake?" He asked as he looked his commander in the eyes.

"Dead." He said with in flat tone, his face showing no emotion. No regret or sorrow, just nothing.

"Dead?" Colton repeated. "No, no he can't be. HOW?!" He yelled as he walked closer. The commander stood his ground.

"The humans got an ambush and killed him."
Others in the room gasped, partly because of the context of the sentence and partly because they couldn't believe he'd been killed by sick weak little things. "This is what you signed up for. To sacrifice for your planet. He died with honor" the commander said with a growl. "Now sit down or he won't be the only one not going home today"

Reluctantly Colton walked back to his seat and sat down. ' he couldn't have been killed.' He thought. 'There's just no way a little-' he stopped himself as he looked down at his chest. A slight growl came to his voice. What had he been thinking? He'd taken a dangerous stowaway with him back to his home planet, willingly! He couldn't believe he had been so stupid in a moment of weakness. He knew well but he couldn't get rid of it now. He'd be left behind for sure if they found out he taken one. It was a crime to even bring back one of the dead bodies of the small creatures, let alone a live one. He'd just have to get rid of it once he reached his home. He just hopes it wouldn't wake up in the meantime. These things were monsters. He bet if it had the chance it would kill him with no hesitation.  The talking in the background slowly faded as he drifted off to sleep for the rest of the journey home. He needed this to be done soon he couldn't handle anymore stress.

It was dark. He didn't know where he was. He could hear rumbling voices like thunder all around him. He felt himself rising and falling as a rhythmic thumping played out from behind him. Then, his brain let him remember what had happened. He remembered walking with Tyler to a tree when he'd been kicked by one of the monsters. He'd dragged him to one of the absolute massive trees to get cover from any other roaming giants that may have come across the two. As he was tending to the young mans woulds he heard footsteps. Loud thundering footsteps that shook his spine all the way to his soul. As he looked up he saw it. One of the giant alien creatures was headed straight for the two and as he looked at it, it began to pick up speed. He grabbed Tyler by the arm. "Get up! We need to leave, NOW" he said in a harsh tone. He sling the 16 year old kids arm over his shoulder as he began to run away. Then.. he saw a shadow. He looked up as he ran and he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He watched as the giant brought its boot up in the air to end it. It was going to crush them. But before he could bet any final words out Tyler shoved him out of the way with a weak smile. He'd accepted his face e when he'd crashed into the trunk of a tree by a different giant. He'd only felt this fear once before. Only once back when he was on his third deployment. He was grabbed in a harsh fist by one of the giants, it's claws dug into his skin, tearing it deeply with a harsh ripping sound. It didn't even seem to notice what it had done as he ran behind some giant bushes. It knelt down next to it. It looked behind itself for a few moments before staring right back at him. He could have sworn he'd heard it gasp through its helmet when it looked at him once more, as if not expecting to see what he'd saw. He was dropped onto the ground, catching a few ribs as he landed on his side to try to lessen the fall. He watched as the giant seemed to stare at as its bloodied hand for a moment. It seemed to be in shock. Emile tried his best to get away as he weakly crawled back behind some tall grass. He watched as the monster looked around for him frantically as he heard more footsteps approaching. He huddle back as he watched the two begin an all out brawl, he heard screams and growing from their helmets. The ones that they used before I've been a bit easier to hear some noise sister, the ones that they were using in recent years read it so they were always in complete silence besides their massive footsteps. then he saw some thing he thought he'd never seen his entire life. He watch does the newcomer trapped the other to the ground and with one swift movement snapped his neck with a sickening crack the code do the field and then silence. He watched as it then slowly got up and walked away as if I didn't care about what it had just done. That was when he finally decided that these creatures were indeed monsters and had no moral compass whatsoever. They killed their own kind without mercy and not even care when doing so it seemed. He didn't know how he gotten so lucky that day, but he wasn't want to complain about a good thing. Luckily he survived, although he had major scarring on his chest and back and even upper left arm once he had a gun he would fully. It has taken months of rehab to get him back to where he was. People told him he was crazy for wanting to go back in the field after his experience of near death when so many were lucky to even make it past their first mission, but he had no other choice than to go back. He'd made a promise. One he'd never get to keep he realize that he sat in the dark room alone with the thundering voices of other giants in the room. Where he sat was damp and humid, almost like a sauna but cold. He shivered as he looked down at his leg. Luckily the adrenaline was still flowing through him so the pain was manageable at least for now. He had no idea what he was in for so he decided to just try and fell sleep and hope he would never wake.

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