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Colton walked back down to his kitchen as he got himself some desert from the fridge. He got himself a few pieces of chocolate before shutting the door and walking over to his couch. He fell onto it with a loud groan. He'd been away for almost a month in training for something that only took about 3 hours to do. He laid on his back while looking at the turned off television in front of him. He ate his chocolate absentmindedly as he once again thought about the human he had upstairs in his room. "I'm such an idiot" he said to himself as he dragged a hand down his face., 'I should have just killed the damn thing' he thought as he looked to the stairs leading up to the second floor. 'Now I'm stuck with some human who would try to kill me any chance he'd get.' He groaned as he ate another piece of chocolate. 'I could just put him outside..' Colton thought as he turned his attention to the sliding glass door near the kitchen. Who was he kidding, A human wouldn't last a day out there, let alone Emile.
A human with a newly amputated leg who still had a hard time walking about, understandably so but still. Though it was lucky that Emile was walking on his leg somewhat fine, so they wouldn't need to take too long teaching him how to use it like normal again. It should be fully connected to his nerves so it wouldn't be too hard to walk with. Colton was surprised that he was able to get it so precisely with the limited knowledge he had, though he supposed he had an advantage in medical technology right there in his home. If he'd let Emile heal all the way and then let him go?.. 'No, no he'd still be in too much danger there.' he thought as he ate his chocolate absentmindedly. Even if Emile was fully healed a human wouldn't last too long out there. Given that they were in a fairly remote area Emile would only really have to worry about animals and other such things, rather than having to avoid other Colosets. Colton let out a sigh, he didn't know why he was even thinking about this. HE was the one who took the human here so HE was going to be the one to take care of him... however long that may be. He didn't even know how long humans lived for. Given Emiles age he would probably live the same amount as a closet, if not a little less. At least he'd live to about a Colosets age with his help. He wasn't really sure what humans had in terms or medicine or anything of the sort. It felt like his brain was turning to mush from thinking so long. His morals were going all out of whack and hed only mire hours before figured out that what him, along with everyone else on his planet, thought to be unintelligent rodents what happened to resemble Colosets turned out to be able to communicate, speak, and make complex decisions like try to save another's life. He wasn't quite sure what to think about it.
Even though he wanted to hate Emile, he wanted to just kill him and make his whole life easier, he just couldn't. In the back of his mind something was nagging him that this whole situation was wrong. Not just the part where he had taken a dangerous creature home, but the whole fact that he and many others killed these small creatures without being told that they could speak and communicate with one another, and even with Colosets. Perhaps the generals just didn't know that humans had evolved and that they could.... Colton sighed as he thought. It was just too much for him so he opted to turn on the TV and watch whatever was on. As he flipped it on the weather forecast showed that it would rain. 'I gotta put in the bike.' He thought as he slowly got up and walked out the door.

Emile sat there as he sat in his hide hole. He just wanted to sleep, however he couldn't help feeling like he shouldn't let himself drift off. He felt that if somehow he fell asleep again he wouldn't wake up again. That the monster just downstairs would kill him while he was resting. He did however let his eyes close since he was already in the dark anyways, so it wouldn't be too big a deal if he just let his eyes rest. However he forced himself to think of his home back on earth so he would stay awake. He just wanted to remember his daughter's face. God , it hadn't even been that long and he missed her so much already. Just knowing he'd never see her again was unbearable. He could feel his chest tighten as if it was being constricted by a python. His sweet girl who he'd never get to see again. Briefly he wondered what his wife would think. She always told him that he had such a nice life going, they'd made a family, they had a semi-nice home, She hated the fact that he kept on insisting to go back to the was. She always said that it would be the death of him and it looks like she was right. He wondered what he would say to her. What would she tell their daughter? Would she tell her the truth or say that he;d run off somewhere. He just didn't want either of them to suffer ofer his 'death'. Despite everything he soon drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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