New Home

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As soon as Colton slammed the desk drawer shut with the human inside he let out a long breath. He'd just ignore the human for now. How could the little thing be so aggressive and stern with him! It was a stupid tactic if it was trying to gain respect. Without saying a word he walked over to his closet to begin setting up the human's home. He pulled out a few things before finding the tank full of basic habitat equipment. "This'll work" he muttered to himself as he dragged the large glass tank out of the closet into the openness of his room. Carefully he took each object from the 20 galling tank and set them aside for the time being. He looked at the bottom of the dusty cage before getting up to get some cleaning supplies and a set of headphones for his 'project'.

Emile heard as the giant rummages around the closet for something, he could only assume it to be some sort of torture device or his prison. He sat at the back of the drawer as he took the time to examine his new replacement limb. It had a faint red glow to it. He watched as it lightly pulsates as he moved around his leg. As he flexed it it seemed like a sort of red ooze flowed through the tubes of his new prosthetic. He placed a his hand on the alien technology that was not bound to his body. If he could he'd remove it, though that would just be putting himself in a bigger disadvantage once he could run again. Speaking of, his leg wasn't hurting quite as bad. Sure, he couldn't walk on it, but he wasn't feeling like it had just gotten cut off.. it felt as though his leg had been heeling for weeks.. for MONTHS and he had no idea why. He guessed that the 'Coloset' had something to do with it, though he didn't want to give him credit for getting rid of the pain that HE had caused in the first place. Even though there was a slight red glow to keep him company he could barely see his hand in front of his own face. He didn't know what he was here for. He didn't even know if the Coloset knew why he was here either. So, he sat. He sat and waited for whatever was to come with the ominous sounds of working outside of his wooden prison.

Colton had readied the little habitat the best he could. He'd put down two light brown towels at the bottom since he didn't think the human would like sand. Then he'd gotten two hide holes his gecko loved and placed them on opposing sides of the cage. In one he glued a cut up t-shirt square over the top of one for privacy if it wanted to be left alone for a bit. On the very right there was a small water bowl that looked like a carved out rock. It wasn't too deep, probably only half an inch or so, though that was enough for a gecko so he assumed it would be more than enough. Scattered around the cage were plastics fake plants for hiding, climbing, and just decoration in general. The middle of the cage was empty so that they would be able to run around if they needed to. He honestly had no idea what humans did other than fight and kill, though he'd have to learn. To the very left he'd put two branches. One stuck out as it stuck to the side of the class sigh a suction cup, the other was leaned against it as a sort of ramp so the human could actualy access it. With that he stood up as he lifted the heavy tank over to his desk. He tried his best to set it down gently, but it still shook the desk and caused a few things to roll off. After he'd positioned it in the right spot he placed the heat lamp over it for the final touch. Just in case humans were cold blooded. He genuinely didn't know. He assumed they would be the same as Colosets, though he would probably just ask. He was just being safe.

Needless to say Emile was panicking as he heard the shuffling from outside, then his entire body shook as something was all but smashed down onto the desk above him. He stared up at the darkness of the drawer as if that would make him be able to see past the dark wood and to the light of the giant room. All he knew right now was that the irrational giant who captured him was angry. He could tell by the way he'd been carelessly tossed into the drawer, how the loud bangs and clashes outside kept going on and on and now with whatever was slammed onto the desk. He tried to act as though everything was under control but his emotions were all over the place like an untangled vhs tape. Mostly he was just feeling anger towards his captor. Suddenly he was pushed into the back of the drawer by a string force pulling it forwards. He fell forward a few inches as it was suddenly set to a stop. His eyes squinted to advise to the light as the giants hand reached in and unceremoniously dragged him out by his middle. It was pinched to the point where he could hardly breath. If felt as if his appendices were about to burst from the pressure. Yep, the Coloset was angry. He squeezed his eyes shut as he waited for something to happen next.

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