Ground Rules

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"Fiiinaly" Colton said in an exaggerated tone as he looked to the human on his desk. "You've been out for hours little thing." He said with a sigh. "I don't know how you stayed so still for thirty minutes though" he laughed.

'I-it knew I was up?' Emile though as he scooted back. He tried to stand but a pain shot through his leg.. but.. it wasn't as harsh as before. He looked down to see that in place of the emptiness where his leg used to be he had some sort of clawed prosthetic. "W-what!?" He yelled. Not caring that the giant would think. He scooted back as if trying to get away from it before he was grabbed by the giant. It wrapped it snaky fingers around his remaining leg and dragged him up into the air. He wriggled wildly as he tried to escape its grip while being lifted, however it was no use. He knew that he was just no match for this beings strength. Though that didn't mean he had to be complacent with anything. He'd do his damndest to survive this nightmare, on his own terms at least.

Colton laughed at the surprised yet anger filled expression on the little humans face. "Woah now. Don't hurt yourself more" he joked as he gave the guy a light jab in the stomach with his other hand. "Just calm down alright little thing?" He said with a sly grin. He knew his words probably wouldn't sooth the human, but he'd still try his best to do so. He didn't want him to die of fright, which apparently they could do. It was called something like a 'heart attack'. They could be brought on by just about anything from shock, to fear, to bad health. "You humans are so fragile." He muttered to himself as he gave the humans leg a gentle squeeze, feeling the minuscule bones as weak as a twig between his grip.

"P-put me down!" Emile shouted to the giant holding him captive. He tried to put on a confident face, but his quivering voice betrayed him. He felt as the giant put more pressure on his working leg, threatening to break it or at the very least dislocate it.

Colton laughed at the little humans demand, but complied. "A feisty little thing huh?" He asked as he leaned closer to the human he'd sat on the desk. His face grew dark. "I suggest you don't talk like that much anymore though. You're stuck with me, so you'd better try to say on my good side." He said as he watched the human shake.

"S-screw you" he said as he trembled in his boots, or well, his boot. He knew what he was doing was stupid, but he didn't care. He was angry. Angry for his fellow soldiers who'd died in battle before him, for the ones who died before his very eyes, for Tyler and for his entire species. These monsters took their lives away and he had the audacity to- no he wouldn't take this even if it meant this beast would kill him sooner rather than later. At least he'd be going out on his own terms.

Colton growled at the humans courage. 'How can this little thing have the audacity to talk to someone with so much power like that?' He thought as he gave a slightly annoyed smile. "Well if that's what makes you feel better say it all you like" he rolled his eyes. "Just so long as you don't overstep the boundaries here, speaking of which, its time I set those." He said sternly.

"B-boundaries? For what" Emile asked as he backed up a bit. Why would he want to set rules then he was just going to be killed anyways? Did this monster seriously think he'd want to live when he'd just be killed anyway by this behemoth. He didn't need its pity. If he were going to die it would be on his own terms when, not that hen he wanted it to kill him. He was in control of his death, that was the only advantage he had here.

"Yeah boundaries. Seeing as you're mine now-" Colton began before he was cut off.

"What do you mean MINE? I am no ones and I'm certainly not some.. some.. MONSTERS PET." He hissed with venom in his voice. He was seething with rage.

Colton slammed his fist down on the desk. "I'M not the monster here!" He yelled as he glared daggers inti the small humans small form shaking wildly. "You're kinda the one to start the war, we're just finishing it. You shouldn't even be alive! I saved you so be grateful!" He yelled at the small being as he watched it shake under his gaze.

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