Akward Dinner

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Colton watched as the human, Emile, retreated to his hideaway with a somewhat satisfied face. He was glad that he wasn't being too difficult about the whole order, yet he was also somewhat disappointed. He'd wanted to have a bit more of a conversation with him before they'd parted ways for the moment. Though he could understand his hesitancy that didn't mean he had to completely enjoy it. After a few moments of staries Colton stood up in order to walk to the kitchen. He hadn't eaten anything since the morning and the sun outside had already begun to set. While he walked down he kept thinking about what he would make. He was sure that Emile would be hungry and end up wanting food by the time he decided to come out. That begged the question, what did humans even eat?
He wasn't sure if they had the skills to make complex meals or cook meat, he'd seen human animals before in pictures, but they looked just like the animals on his planet so he'd just assumed that they were the same size. Colton supposed their diet would be close to the same thing that Coloset's did, however what if they had dietary restrictions of the sort or allergies to the food on his home planet. For today he would just have to stick with natural foods. As he looked around his kitchen he realized how little food he had. That wasn't to say he was starving, it was just that he didn't have much variety. With a sigh he started to look in his fridge for any foods that he thought would be safe for Emile to eat. Eventually he had a dinner planned out for Emile, at least for tonight. "A blueberry, half a strawberry and a grape. Not too bad if I had to say." he said proudly as he set the meal on a tupperware lid and set it aside so he could make his own dinner.

Emile sat in the dark alone but even then it didn't soothe his nerves. He was stuck with a psychopath who had no regard for his life or his feelings. He was livid and as he sat there thoughts flooded his mind. He tried his best to keep himself occupied, though there wasn't much to do besides trace his fingers over his new prosthetic. Even though the pain had gone down a significant amount he could still feel the way his leg burned and tensed. "At least I can walk" He said aloud as he dragged his hand over the glowing wires. When he was exploring his surroundings he had tried his best to make it seem like he was having no trouble, however the entire time his leg was burning. His mind kept screaming at him to stop, to get the weight off of his injury. However he refused to make himself look more pathetic than he already felt. There was nothing to his advantage in this situation and as he sat alone by himself his thoughts only scattered his mind. As his mind ramped up the intensity of his thought he got stuck deeper and deeper in his thoughts until he was interrupted by the creaking of the door and the rumbling footsteps of the giant approaching once more.

Colton made himself a helping of pasta for dinner with a red meat sauce. As he plaited up his food he looked up the stairs, wondering to himself what the little human could be thinking. He'd been captured by its enemy with no means of escape, one who had promised to keep him safe but still. 'The poor things probably scared out of his mind,' Colton thought as he brought the two plates over to his dining room table. He took a deep breath before he began to walk upstairs as he prepared himself to greet Emile, hoping he'd be ready to cooperate with him. He hesitated before slowly opening his door and looking inside, to his disme Emile was still in his hiding place, seemingly not interested in any interaction with him in general. "All Right come on little guy" Colton said as he calmly reached his hand into the cage to lift up his hideout. As he did he watched as his hand revealed the small human sitting in the middle of the space in which a hide-hole used to be. "Hello little thing, it's time for dinner." he said as he flashed a reassuring smile. As expected Emile cowered away with a scowl on his face so Colton decided to just reach in and grab him to make the whole process easier and faster for the both of them.

As the walls around him shook his only cover was lifted as he was then forced to stare at the massive man who loomed over him. As he spoke Emile refused to listen, though he heard his words he paid them no mind. He had no say in the situation so why should he even try. As he began to back up the giant's hand grabbed him in a fist, albeit a lot more gentle than his handlings had been before. As if he was trying no to hurt him as much as he had before. "Not hungry" He said as he looked away, though there wasn't much to look at other then the flesh of his hand.

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