⇢︎ Chapter 0 : Prologue

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A young boy clutched his teddy bear for comfort as he stood in front of his guardian

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A young boy clutched his teddy bear for comfort as he stood in front of his guardian. He was wearing his school uniform at the moment with a (f/c) sweater on top, a little something he can do for comfort.

The young boy was currently on his suspension for two weeks, but now he is going back to Kunugigaoka Junior High as a class E student, and right now he's telling his guardian what class he will be going to now after his suspension.

"E class huh?" A rough voice spoke out as they held onto a paper, reading it.

"Y-yes..." The boy stuttered, "I'll be going to E class soon instead of being in B class."

The guardian hummed but than soon chuckled, "So that octopus will be there huh? The teacher."

The boy gulped down his nervousness, "Yes, he will be there teaching for the rest of the year."

"Great. I want you to kill him, all on your own. Get the money than bring it to me, alright?"

The boy flinched, "B-but, I don't want to kill! I don't even want to go to back to Kunugigaoka, let alone E class! I-I'll be treated like shit!" He begged.

The guardian frowned, "Y/n L/n, don't you want to make me proud? Don't you want me to be proud of you?" He questioned.

The boy - now known as Y/n - lowered his head and clutched his teddy bear, "Y-yes, I do want to make you proud..."

"Then follow, Y/n, do as I say if you want me to be proud of you. You don't have a choice, alright my boy?" The guardian stated as he pets Y/n's (h/c) hair.

"Y-yes, sir..." Y/n stuttered as he flinched to the touch.

"Good boy, you're my good boy."

There was an eerie silence in the old classroom with the sign of 3-E on it

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There was an eerie silence in the old classroom with the sign of 3-E on it. The door opened and in walked in a yellow octopus with a crescent moon tie, gown, and a graduation hat. He had a smile on his face with two dots for eyes.

The octopus plopped down a book that said attendance. The sound made a boy in the back with (h/c) hair flinch slightly, but thankfully, no one saw it.

"We'll start homeroom now," The octopus stated, "Whoever is on day duty issue your commands!"

A boy with tied up blue hair stuttered, "S-Sure. Stand!!" He shouted.

Everyone stood up from their seats and held up a gun ranging from small and large.

"At attention!!"

Everyone aimed their guns carefully.


Little pink bullets shot at the yellow octopus. It was loud and uncomfortable for the (h/c) haired male but he with stand the sound for the time being, knowing that it wouldn't be long until the sound will stop.

"Good morning!!" The yellow octopus shouted over the shooting as he moved back and forth at the front at fast speeds, "Alright, seeing as you are all firing, I will take attendance! Isogai?!"

"Here..." A student said.

"I'm sorry, but as we're in the midst of gunfire, could you speak up?!!"


"Wonderful! Okano?!"




The attendance went on and on, the octopus calling out students names and them yelling that they are present. The pink bullets - also known as bbs - rolled on the floor without a care as it stayed there for the time being.


And with the last person being called, Y/n L/n shot the ceiling singling that he was here and that the firing of the bbs has came to an end. He plopped into his seat as everyone else did the same. Some students were panting at the stiffness while others were putting their heads down.

"No absences!! How wonderful!! Sensei is very please!!" The yellow octopus cheered as a red circle took over his face, but still left his smile.

Y/n sighed at another failed attempt to kill the yellow octopus. He looked down at his teddy bear as the octopus began to talk about planning which caused some students in the front to complain about it. Y/n only clutched his teddy.

A loud bang sound made Y/n flinch terribly as he held his teddy closer to his chest for comfort. He looked forewords and noticed that Sensei as shot his tentacle with the bb causing it to be cut off like tofu.

Sensei went on to explain that he can regenerate almost as cut as the bb splitting him into two. And just like that his tentacle was back to normal, like night in happened. Y/n bit the inside of his cheeks and held his teddy closer to him.

"You should be able to kill me before graduation," Sensei said cheekily with green strips a crossed his face, "Let's tidy up the gun barrels and bullets! Class is starting!"

The students groaned to each other and collected the brooms to clean up. Y/n sighed and got a broom himself and wen tot his cleaning partner while holding his teddy close to him as he passed students he didn't really know.

'What a target...'


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