⇢︎ Chapter 12 : Coming Around

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The classroom was practically buzzing with annoyance at this point, and it's not just from the students this time

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The classroom was practically buzzing with annoyance at this point, and it's not just from the students this time. Irina was aggressively tapping away on her iPad, trying to find some sort of way to kill Koro-sensei this time.

"Oh come on!" Irina yelled in frustration, causing Y/n to flinch awake from his nap, "What's with the Wi-Fi in this place?! Are we on Mars?!"

Karma only leaned back in his seat as he had a smirk on his face, "Wow, Ms. Jela-bitch is pissed off. I know my pride would be in shambles if my plans went head up."

Y/n yawned as his attention span was starting to run short of this new teacher of his. Irina growled at Karma, glancing at Y/n. She was only angered more to see the relaxed look on Y/n's face.

"Um, miss?" Isogai asks sheepishly.

Irina turned to the student in front of her, "What?"

Isogai sweatdropped, "If you're not going to teach us anything, do you mind if we switch you out for Koro-sensei? It's just that we got entrance exams coming and-" He was cut off by Irina laughing.

"HA! You want to swap me out for that disgusting teacher?!"

And now Y/n was wide awake. Sure, he was scared of Koro-sensei and didn't really respect him either, but he disrespected Irina even more. So, her saying such things about Koro-sensei when she's lower in Y/n's list pisses him off a bit. He shuffled in his seat a bit.

"You're worried about entrance exams when the planet is on notice??" Irina questioned as she stood up from her seat, "How nice to be a carefree kid. Give it a rest. Even if the Earth wasn't on the brink of destruction, entrance exams are for people with a future."

Everyone in the classroom tensed at this. Irina is really pushing their buttons, maybe they should've known from Y/n's attitude towards her that this woman would've been trouble in the first place, big trouble.

Irina continued, not reading the room, "News flash, that's not any of you losers. How 'bout this kids; forget the studying, help me brainstorm how to kill the octopus and I'll give you a nice percentage of the reward money! That's the best kind of deal that you E class jerkoffs are going to get out of your life. Other wise, knock off with the whining and-"

An eraser hit the the wall on the side of Irina's head, cutting her off. Irina was taken by surprise by the sudden action and turned to the person who did it; Y/n. Y/n generally looked pissed at Irina as he was the only one standing up with his arm outstretched.

"Get out," Y/n said simply.

"What? Huh?" Irina questioned dumbly.

Y/n only sat down. The minute he did, everyone starting attacking Irina with anything they could find. Y/n did what he needed to do so he let the chaos explode on it's own. Karma cackling next to Y/n.

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