⇢︎ Chapter 4 : The Observer

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Once again, Y/n was plopped on the ground, hiding behind some bushes as his classmates surrounded him, hiding behind trees and other bushes

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Once again, Y/n was plopped on the ground, hiding behind some bushes as his classmates surrounded him, hiding behind trees and other bushes. This time he had a small notepad to take notes on the assignation attack his classmates are going to try and do.

Y/n was also keeping a keen eye on the same green butterfly that was hovering around his teddy. He still didn't like the fact that the insect took a liking to his teddy, he didn't like bugs in the first place.

"There he is," A student whispered, one that Y/n couldn't remember the name of, "You're right Y/n, thanks for the input."

Y/n only gave a thumbs up while having his teddy in his lap and the notepad in one hand and the pen in the other.

"Still don't talk much huh, Y/n?" Isogai asks Y/n as the other students whispered amongst each other.

Y/n shrugged, "I don't really find the need to," He whispered back.

Isogai smiled and patted Y/n's head, "Thank you, though. Make sure to observe us alright?"

"Sure. Hey, you guys might want to go now, Sensei's break is gonna end in a few minutes," Y/n whispered out to the group of students.

"Koro-sensei!! Let us have some shaved ice too!" The group of students cheered all together as Y/n peeked over the bush.

"Forced smiles, too forced, maybe some work on acting would be nice," Y/n noted down.

The group of students then pulled out their knifes from their back. Causing Koro-sensei to stop dramatically crying. The students leaped at Koro-sensei.

Y/n sighed, "They made it too obvi—" He was cut off by being picked up suddenly.

"Your smiles were a bit forced," Koro-sensei stated, "That wasn't enough to catch me off guard. I'll just leave these anti-me knives here. But I will give you points on getting Y/n to be an observer for your attempt!"

The students turned around and there was Koro-sensei dropping their knives on the floor. He was also holding Y/n off of the ground as he held him by his collar. Y/n blinked in surprised and thrashed around in Koro-Sensei's hold, not liking to be near the octopus.

"Eh?!" The students cried out in shock.

Y/n let out a small whine and successfully got out of Koro-Sensei's hold. He dropped to the ground and quickly went over to Meahara, who lightly chuckled at Y/n. Y/n hid behind the male since he was comfortable around him.

Koro-sensei pouted at Y/n but turned to the rest of the class, "Please admire these flowers, and learn from their smiling faces."

Isogai laughed a bit at Y/n's expression as he walked over to him and Meahara. The female students were making a fuse about the flowers but the three males didn't mind it and two of them only focused on taking care of the shorter one.

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