⇢︎ Chapter 22 : The New Student

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"You heard me," Y/n's guardian snapped, "The government sent a new student that I've been personally working on. However, I am a bit disappointed that I couldn't send in the other 'half' with it."

Y/n slightly furrowed his brow as he squeezed his teddy, "But you said only I'll be working on this. Why wasn't I told about this 'new projects' you've been working on?"

Y/n's guardian irked at Y/n's words, "Because you're working too slow for my liking. You've gotten nothing done, and you're starting to disappoint me, Y/n."

"But you know how I work, you've taught me how to work," Y/n stated, "Doing sneak attacks and hiding in plain sight is the only way I know how to assassinate! I'm you child! I should at least know when you plan on taking a different approach!"

"You dare raise your voice at me?" Y/n's guardian asked as he towered over Y/n's figure, making him back down in fear, "I just took you in, nothing more. You are not my child, you are not my son, end of story. I only took you in so you could be successful, I want you to be successful, my child.

"So don't you DARE raise your voice at me when I've been nothing but caring and kind to you!! Do you understand Y/n?!"

Y/n trembled where he stood as his guardian yelled at him once again. He could feel tears prick his eyes as he held in his tears. He should be used to the yelling by now, but he still can't help but feel fear.

Y/n's guardian took in a sigh and crouched down to Y/n's height, "You are my best project, okay? I want you to succeed in this mission, so I'm giving you a little extra hand, alright? I promise that I will be proud of you no matter what.

"You got that, my boy?" Y/n's guardian said as he petted Y/n's head.

Y/n flinch at his guardian's touch. He couldn't help but shake in place as he felt the large hand pet him with care, but yet it felt so horrible and terrifying. Y/n's guardian took notice of Y/n's body and furrowed his brows.

"I am showing you affection," Y/n's guardian stated lowly, "Be grateful I'm not hitting you, you got that?"

Y/n nodded slowly.

"I said did you get that?!"

"Y-Yes, sir..."

"Stop stuttering like an idiot!"

"... Yes... sir..."

Y/n's guardian seemed to smile as he stood up properly, "That's a good boy. Now, the new student will come in tomorrow, so be nice and stay out of its way, alright? You are going to be a good boy, aren't you?"

"Yes, sir," Y/n said in a soft voice as he looked down.

"That's my good boy, you're my good boy, you know that Y/n?"

"I'm your good boy..."

"Good, now go back to training."


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