⇢︎ Chapter 49 : Found Determination

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The window blew past the trees on the mountain

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The window blew past the trees on the mountain. Currently, waiting in E class's classroom, there were three teachers, all of them looking out the window in anticipation. They knew that their students will do good, they just had to. However, they were getting restless with each passing second, they couldn't help it.

"Do you think..." Irina started, catching the attention of Karasuma since Koro-sensei was outside and the other two were inside looking out the window, "Do you think that Y/n will be okay during that test?"

Karasuma's eyes couldn't help but widened. He honestly thought that Irina didn't care about Y/n, but now he stands corrected. He was quick to return to his neutral look as he looked down at the papers in his hands.

"He will be fine..." Karasuma said making Irina glance at him through the side of her eyes, "His main goal was to at least get A, A-'s on his tests. We can't force him into doing anything extreme, like getting 1st in all of the tests, but once Y/n makes his up his mind, he'll stick with it."

Irina let out a small sigh as she looked back out the window, propping her elbows, "I just... I just hope that the pressure won't get to him..."

Karasuma stopped his writing momentary, "Yeah..." He whispered as he looked out the window, the same one that Irina was looking out of, "I hope so too."

Y/n grunted as he stabbed the monster-like problem with his polearm

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Y/n grunted as he stabbed the monster-like problem with his polearm. The monster screeched in pain as a bright white light covered it and replaced it with a flower that had a swirl in the middle, meaning that Y/n had gotten it right.

Y/n sighed out in exhaustion. He had always hated testing for a reason, they just took so much out of him for no reason. He groaned as he rubbed his head to get rid of an incoming headache. The monster that was trying to come after Y/n was sliced imminently by Y/n and bursted into a flower like always.

"I hate this..." Y/n muttered as he slumped on the wall, sliding down into a sitting position, "How tiring..."

Y/n shook his head slightly as he looked back at the arena that he, his classmates, and the Big 5 were put into. He watched at flower bloomed left and right, each coming from both class E's side and the Big 5's.

Y/n sighed as he stared at his classmates cheering when they got a question right. He stared as they continued to fight the monsters on their own. He glanced down and looked down at the polearm in his hand.

Y/n lower his eyes as he clutched his weapon, "They don't need me..." He whispered to himself, "They didn't need my help in the first place..."

Y/n yawned as he turned his head to continue to watch his classmates fight the monsters with ease. Yeah... they didn't need him for this, so why does he need to try anyways? Why does he need to try and help them when they're perfectly fine by themselves? Maybe if he disappeared, they wouldn't even notice.

"Oi, what they hell are you doing?" Asano's voice was heard, making Y/n glance behind him, "Why are you sitting there doing nothing?"

Y/n stretched his arms above his head as he got comfortable on the wall, "I don't need to do anything. My classmates don't need me, so why should I try at this test? I'm not going to be doing anything for the class so there's no point in trying."

Asano irked at Y/n's words, "Well... ain't that a load of bullshit."


Y/n yelped slightly as he was yanked off of the floor. Asano had grabbed Y/n by the collar and forced him to stand. Y/n stumbled a bit as he had to regain his balance. Once he did, Y/n turned to look at Asano with a confused and slightly annoyed look on his face.

"What's your the deal?" Y/n questioned as he kicked his polearm that was on the ground and grabbed it midair, "My efforts will go to waste so there's nothing I can-"

"And THAT is a load of bullshit!" Asano snapped making Y/n shut up, "You should be trying your best no matter what. Who cares if your efforts 'go to waste'?? All that matters is that you tried, right? No matter what the situation is you always have to reach for the top!

"I didn't become friends with someone who was weak minded. I didn't become friends with someone who wouldn't even try to do his best. I DIDN'T become friends with someone who doesn't have any determination to prove the world that he wasn't a weak person and to show it who he really was!!

"That's not the person I want in my life!"

Y/n's eyes widened at Asano's words. He couldn't help but feel shocked that Asano, out of all people, was tell him this. But Asano's words had meaning, and Y/n was quick to pick up on that.

Y/n remembered, all the way back in pre-school, when they were just kids, that he told Asano of his dream job. He told Asano about wanting to open a store for all the 'weak' people out there, he wanted to help the people that were in his shoes to find a 'forever friend', a stuffed animal, just like Teddy.

Y/n remembered how Asano's eyes would shine in excitement and longing when he talked about his dream. How Asano would be so supportive to Y/n's idea. Now that he looks back on it, Asano, at the time, was the only one who supported Y/n's idea, not even the teachers or Shiro supported his idea, but Asano did. And that... was the Y/n's burning determination to keep going with his dream.

"If you have no will to keep fighting to prove the people around you wrong..." Asano tched as he spun his weapon and started to walk away, "...you are not the Y/n that I know by heart."

Y/n stared at Asano's retreating figure back into the battlefield. He smiled, though. He always knew that the Asano that he knew by heart was still in there, and Asano's words just proved it to him.

Y/n let out a small chuckle as he spun his weapon in his hand. He didn't want to admit it, but Asano was 100% right. Y/n wanted to prove people wrong, he wanted to prove the world wrong, he wanted to prove Shiro wrong. He wasn't weak. Weak is a label, not a name.

A small churring noise was heard blow Y/n as a tug on his pants followed. Y/n looked down and noticed that it was his teddy that was trying to get his attention. Y/n smiled at his teddy and patted its head. He then ran back into the battle to defeat the monsters once again, leaving the teddy behind.

Teddy held its arms out, wanting Y/n to come back. It slightly ran to where Y/n was at only to fall forewords, tripping. Teddy slowly got up from the dirt on the ground. It stared as Y/n seemed to have found his newly born determination. It watches, dumbfounded that it was left behind after all these years.

A shiver was sent down Teddy's spine making it freeze up. Teddy turned slightly to where the audience would be, however, there was only one man standing there. It could practically feel the man glaring at it.

The already scrambled question on Teddy's head seemed to have been scrambled up more.

The already scrambled question on Teddy's head seemed to have been scrambled up more

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